Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ghana Children Waiting for Families

God is working on a family for Christian. :) WHOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!

Also, I have MUCH updating to do here on the blog regarding a partnership in the works with our Isaiah 1:17 Foundation and Adoption Advocates International (the agency that will be handling Christian’s adoption). Our partnership has to do with the foster care home that we will be starting in Asikuma in the near future, and it all started via my communications about Christian!!!! God is always orchestrating so many things that we can’t even see. I love basking in His Sovereignty. I’ll save the explanation of all the partnership/foster care home excitement for a day coming soon!

Today though, I wanted to post about some children in Ghana who are waiting to find their forever families. Adoption Advocates International’s Ghana program is currently advocating for seven waiting (legally free) children, ages 6 to 10 years old to find their adoptive families. Legally free means that Ghana social welfare has done their investigation and they have determined that adoption is in the child’s best interest, long term. Some agencies refer children before they are legally free, which often doesn’t end up well. You may remember that scenario happening to us with Solomon (with the agency we went through for our adoption of Justice). AAI only refers children to families who are legally free to be adopted. There are currently *NO* waiting families for these children…

Lynn is a 7 year old girl. She is healthy and beautiful. She is living in a great private foster home in Teshie. Her adoption will go through in Accra Region.

Bea is a 6 year old girl. She is healthy and adorable! She is living in a fabulous group foster home in Teshie. Her adoption will go through in Accra Region.

Jo-Jo is a 7 year boy. He loves to pose for the camera! He is healthy. He lives in the same great group foster home as Bea. His adoption will go through Accra Region.

**Lynn, Bea, and Jo-Jo are from the same tribe and same area. It's possible that two of them could be adopted together (families with 4 or less children preferred if being placed together).

Corey is an 8 year old boy. He is healthy and seriously cute as a bug! Corey lives at Great Mission International Orphanage (aka CKO). His adoption will be completed in Volta Region.

DeeDee and Ceelo are siblings! DeeDee is 10 years old, and a great big sister to her baby brother. Ceelo is just 4 years old. These wonderful kids are healthy. I hear great things about them, especially DeeDee. They are living at GMI (aka CKO) and their adoption will be completed in Volta Region.

Toby is a 6 year old boy. Because of paperwork delay, Toby has already been waiting for his family for over a year! He is absolutely precious. Toby is healthy, and lives in a great foster home in Bolgatanga. His adoption will be completed in the Upper East Region.

Adopting older children is not the perfect scenario for every family. But, I believe God will make it clear if He is leading your family to it. I’ve written a few blog posts about our own experience:

Before Justice was here:

After Justice was here:

Anita’s (AAI Ghana program coordinator) words on older child adoption:

Now that I have a 10.5 year old, I realize how young a 6, 7, or 8 year old is. But in the world of international adoption, anybody older than 6 has much less of a chance to be adopted than kids under six years. I understand why that is a reality. Families adopting "older" children need to be prepared for the realities of that challenge. But OH (!) what a blessing it can be when the right kids are matched with the right family! If you've been blessed by older child adoption I encourage you to post a comment so that others can be encouraged by you!

(Children pictured are other older children adopted out of Adoption Advocates International. For privacy reasons the children listed cannot be fully pictured, and their names have also been changed to protect them.)

AAI Ghana is also advocating for two little girls with special needs:

Tess is such a sweetheart! She is a 3 year old girl living with CP (believed to be minor). AAI has been told that Tess scoots around on her bum because she is THAT determined to be mobile! AAI has been told that she has typical cognitive abilities.

Anna is a winner! She is a 4 year old girl living with CP (believed to be moderate). Anna suffers from seizures sometimes. We're told that her cognitive abilities are normal. Anna isn't mobile, but she sure looks happy in her stroller!

Anita’s words on special needs adoption:

I can't speak about older child adoption but I can speak about special needs adoption!!! Among our waiting children are 2 precious young girls that are going to bless the socks off of their future family! Seriously folks, adding "special needs" to your life doesn't have to be a big deal. The thing is, once you know your child as your child, the special need becomes smaller in your mind. You somehow see past the g-tube, or the swolleness, or the immobility, or the threats, and instead just see your child. And you would do anything for your child! Just like older child adoption, obviously, a family needs to be prepared for the realities of the special need. But OH (!) what a blessing it can be when you open your heart to someone that may not be "perfect" on the outside but is perfect in every way that matters!

You can catch more of a glimpse into Anita’s life by following her blog here:


AAI cannot "hold" children for families. However, if you have an approved homestudy or can update your homestudy VERY quickly, and are interested in adopting any of these children, please email Anita at Anita has photos of all of these children and would be happy to share them privately with seriously interested families.

If you are interested but haven't begun a homestudy, it won't be possible to match you with one of these children at this time. HOWEVER, AAI Ghana always needs families for older (than 6) and special needs children!!! You can get started today! [And you never know. Several of these children may still be waiting when you are ready.]

You can receive more info and updates like these by ‘liking’ the AAI Facebook page by following this link:!/pages/AAI-Ghana/197511773625841

Please spread the word! Let’s help find forever families for these children!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. The two cute kiddos on the left of this pic are my Daughter and Son. Home almost 2 months! I would be glad to talk with anyone considering adoption, adoption from Ghana, adopting older kids and anything else. Just send them my way!
