Friday, May 13, 2011

Adoption Update Regarding Christian!!!!

Blogger wasn’t working this morning and I was so bummed because I couldn’t wait a moment longer to share this exciting news about Christian (you can read his original story here)!!! Since our trip to Ghana I had gotten in touch with the Ghana program coordinator of Adoption Advocates International, Anita, to see if Christian’s case could be investigated. I felt hopeful that adoption was the best possible scenario for his situation. Last Friday an in-country representative from The Ripley Foundation (who partners with AAI) traveled to Asikuma to find some answers. Here is the report via Anita. As I see it God’s hands continue to be written ALL OVER this....especially take note of the second to last paragraph!!!!!!!!!

I received an update about Christian from Joha! Joha went with Michael to the village last Friday. They talked with the family at length but the family didn't know a TON about Christopher's story. They weren't sure how he became blinded in one eye, but one story is that the father tried to poison Christopher when he was very small, and it "killed" his eye. =-( The father abandoned him at a very young age. At some point several years ago the mother "dumped" him at the village and left. Christopher actually lives with his Great Aunt. A "grandfather" was also there (but not sure if he was an uncle or actual grandfather). All of the relatives there were on the mother's side.

The family has very little contact with Christopher's mother. In fact, they can only talk to her when SHE chooses to call (something about her having to go to a certain hilltop to get good reception). The family in the village all agreed that a good plan for Christian would be adoption, but of course that can't happen without mom's permission. The meeting ended with a request that the next time mom calls, please have her call Joha to arrange a meeting. Joha didn't know how long that might take.

Grandfather is very old and sick--he can hardly move. Joha says grandmother is also sickly with a curvature in her front and back (scoliosis?). I asked about how he was eating and Joha said the grandmother cooks once a night whenever her health allows her to (which Joha said is pretty typically for all of Ghana). I know Joha has put Christian on the list for foster care, but we don't have enough foster home! [Hmm....wish the Children's Haven was done already!!!] Hopefully he can go to foster care soon.

Here's the update since Friday:

Joha was able to meet wth the mother! As luck would have it (umm....GOD!) she called very soon after they left, and then Joha went to her village to meet with her earlier this week! The mom is in absolute agreement for adoption. So...Joha is now working to have Christian's documents completed (Social Investigation Report, Declaration). The medical will have to be done after he is in foster care. On Friday a social worker from Accra will be going to Eastern Region with Joha to work on the Social Investigation!!!

Praise God!!! So...if you know of someone who is ready to adopt Christian, they might want to get started on the process!

I can tell you that when I received this good news I was in an overflow of non-stop praise to God! Whenever I think of Christian, the first verse that comes to my mind is Psalm 27:10 ~ Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me. Christian’s story is all the more proof that God IS the defender of the fatherless. He will take up the cause of the oppressed and needy, and He will rescue them. He hears the cries of those calling out to Him in despair. He will lift them out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire and give them a firm place to stand. He sets the lonely in families.

It gives me goosebumps to think that God has a perfect mom and dad out there for Christian who will NOT forsake him, but love him and show him what it means to have a caring family. I wait in excitement to watch the rest of this story unfold. Yesterday when I received this email I scanned the Psalms to try and find one to express the joy I was feeling inside that God has come through for Christian. This is the one that seemed to speak it all perfectly:

Psalm 145:1-5 ~ I will proclaim your greatness my God and king; I will thank you forever and ever. Every day I will thank you; I will praise you forever and ever. The Lord is great and is to be highly praised; his greatness is beyond understanding. What you have done will be praised from one generation to the next; they will proclaim your mighty acts. They will speak of your glory and majesty, and I will meditate on all your wonderful deeds.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear what happens with Christian! God is so amazing! I will also spread the word about Christian....:).
