Wednesday, June 16, 2010

To Ghana We Go!

Well, as you read this we should be boarding onto the first of our flights that we will take today! Am I dreaming? Could this be real?!?!?! IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve had some people wonder about our flight itinerary, so here it is:

Today, June 16th first flight leaves Des Moines at 7:15am. We arrive in Minneapolis (St. PL Int’l) at 8:22am. That is Delta airlines flight: DL 3502

Second flight today leaves Minneapolis at 10am. We arrive in New York (JFK) at 1:54pm. That is Delta airlines flight: DL 30.

Third and last flight today leaves New York at 4:30pm. We will arrive in Accra, Ghana (Kotoka) at 7:40am on June 17th. That is Delta airlines flight: DL 166.

And here is our return flight info as it stands now:

June 21st flight leaves Ghana at 1am Ghana time. We arrive in Atlanta, Georgia @ 8:45am. That is Delta airlines flight: DL185

June 21st flight leaves Atlanta, GA @ 2:40pm and we are scheduled to arrive at the DM airport at 3:57pm. That is Delta airlines flight: DL 5405

In case you were planning on coming to the airport as we get in next week, make sure you check into my blog or my mom’s blog beforehand. We will be texting her as our trip goes on with updates, especially regarding progress with getting the visa. If we do need to wait to pick up the visa until the 21st, then we will have her post our new return flight schedule once we know what it is. I may be able to update my blog from the hotel. Last time we were there the internet connection was pretty good, so we’ll see. My mom’s blog is:
I am sure she will be posting some Jayla updates too. :)

See you all soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.

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