Tuesday, June 15, 2010

JJ Has Something to Say & Trip Prayer Requests

Well, I had a REALLY cute video interview that I did with JJ in which he could have told you himself that he gets to go on the Ghana trip with us (!), BUT, for some reason I cannot get it to upload. I’ve tried off and on for two days. So, bummer. But, yes, JJ is going with us because there is….

Little boy #1 who loves his Daddy,

And, little boy #2 who loves his Daddy,

And so, we all really need this time to bond from the start. Having a few days all together is going to be very beneficial for us, and we are really looking forward to it! Yesterday JJ practiced taking his malaria prevention capsule for the first time, and he swallowed it on the 2nd try. :) They’ve given me empty capsules for him to practice, and the real capsules have the medicine ground up so that I can sprinkle it on his food if he can’t swallow the capsule. So, far no problems. We are armed with Cheez-its, Club crackers, graham crackers, high protein granola bars, & Pedia-sure, and mentally prepared to live off chicken, rice, African pizza, plantain chips, and pineapple/mango juice for 5 days. :)

Miss Jayla will be staying back and hanging with Grandma Lori & Grandpa Tim during our trip.
Oh boy, am I going to miss her! I’ve been dreading this part for months….but she will be in good hands! Please pray for her little heart to be filled up so that she doesn’t experience loneliness. I think it is going to be especially hard for her that JJ will not be staying back with her. The other day Yaw said, “How do you think she is going to cope this time without JJ?” Maybe she will love getting spoiled and getting all the attention! LOVE YOU JAYLA!

We still have not heard back from the Embassy regarding picking up Samuel’s visa earlier. We did confirm that we are just ‘picking it up’ so it will be ready and there is no more processing to do. This afternoon if we still have not heard from the Embassy we will be talking with our travel agency to make a decision about the return flight. We can either push our return flight back one day NOW, or wait until we get to Ghana to see if we can get the visa earlier and not need to change our return flight. Tomorrow I will post our current flight info.

I am sure you’ve already guessed our prayer requests, but here they are. Please lift us up to the Maker of the heavens and the earth!

-Please pray for guidance about whether or not we should push our flight back one day now, or just wait until we see what the situation is in Ghana.

-Please pray about the visa situation! Please pray that there will be no issues with ‘picking it up’ and that it will be ready earlier than the 21st, or at least on the 21st like they said it would be. Please pray for no anxiety regarding this situation. It is going to be EXTREMELY hard waiting until the last day of our trip (if they don’t issue it earlier) to have his visa in hand. I don’t want to worry about it the entire trip and let the situation turn my joy into anxiousness. Please pray that God would give us peace as we trust Him with this.

-Pray that we would have safe flights, and safe travel in cars!

-Pray that our flights would be on time and that we would make all of our connection flights.

-Pray that our luggage will stick with us and not get lost.

-Pray for our protection from disease/sickness and that we would make good choices in eating foods that will not cause us harm.

-Pray for Jayla as she stays with Grandma and adjusts to not having any of us around.

-Pray that we would have some great bonding time in Ghana before we bring home our son!

For our return please pray….

-That we would have no issues getting through Immigrations at the airport upon entering the U.S.

-That we would all get some rest/sleep on the plane

-For safe flights!

Thanks for praying!


  1. How fun for JJ. As for video, you could always try "Vimeo". It downloads up to 500MB videos for free.

  2. We are defintely already praying!!! I can't wait to see you guys when you get back! This will be such an awesome experience for JJ. I am so excited to hear how everything goes.

  3. That's awesome!!! How exciting that JJ gets to go! Praying, praying, praying! Can't wait to hear about it!

  4. I'm so excited for you! I am praying that God works out all the details of this trip.

  5. I definitely will be praying for you guys. And I was all good and fine reading through until you wrote "bringing home our son" and then tears. Blessings for you.

  6. We will definitely be praying for you! I am so excited for you!
