Thursday, June 17, 2010

embassy update

This is Lori posting today's info for Janel:

Samuel and JJ are doing great! Samuel doesn't understand English very well, but super sweet and very polite. He can write well and able to copy his name after Janel wrote it out on a napkin. Samuel is very comfortable with them and laughs at JJ's antics :).

They went to the embassy and they cannot issue the visa sooner than 21st. Apparently it is just an appointment to see if it is done being processed. Doesn't mean it will be printed and ready. So all we can do is PRAY that it will be printed and ready.

More info to follow when flights are changed.


  1. Thanks for the update, Lori. I'm glad the boys are getting along and they're comfortable and hope they have an enjoyable time while they wait! Keeping them and the visa situation in my prayers!
