Thursday, June 7, 2012

For the Boy Named Christian ~ Please

On Monday of this week Jayla and I were on our way to the grocery store and I had one of my favorite playlists going on my ipod as we drove. The first song that came on in shuffle mode was ‘Albertine’ by Brooke Fraser. The lyrics in that song are a continual challenge to my heart and even after the song ended my mind was repeating the chorus,

“Now that I have seen, I am responsible, faith without deeds is dead.”

As we drove I started thinking on that line and the depth of what it means. It’s written off of two verses from scripture :

 ...once our eyes are opened, we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows that we know, and holds us responsible to act. ~Proverbs 24:12~


What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. ~James 2:14-17~

As I thought on these it was then that I started seeing little snapshots of faces flash through my head. Faces that God is holding me responsible for because of what He’s shown me. First I saw George. And I quickly realized that it had been weeks since I checked up on what was going on with his situation. Someone was supposed to go and investigate his situation – I had sent detailed directions to his house, and received a proposed date of when the investigation would start. But did it happen? I haven’t heard anything, but I am ashamed to say that I’ve gotten so busy with my life at home that I haven’t inquired. It took this song to remind me that I am responsible for this child. Who else is going to advocate for him? Nobody else has SEEN what I have about George. I am in a position where I can do something for him. I can be a voice for him.  I am good at bugging people.  I can bug and bug and bug on the investigators until they go and investigate. . Why is it so easy to forget George and get self-absorbed into my life?

I had just resolved in my mind that I would check up on George’s situation once we got back home, when another snapshot of a face went through my mind. Christian. For months now I’ve been able to rejoice in knowing that a family has stepped up to adopt Christian. I don’t know them personally – they in fact live states away from me. But I know many pieces of their story, I’ve seen pictures of their lovely family, and I have been in touch with Christian’s momma-in-waiting. They are a LARGE family, who has our same ‘open arms, open doors’ policy.  I am telling you, as soon as you see even just a family photo of them, you are going to immediately get a glimpse of their beautiful, compassionate hearts. Not to mention the praises you will shout to God when you get to hear their own personal story of redemption. I. Can’t. Wait. to introduce you to them! So many of you have kept an interest in Christian’s story and wondered about updates on him. But there enters what has been weighing on my heart. I can’t introduce you to his family yet. Because in order to do that, they have to pass court in Ghana. Their dossier and documents for court are ready and waiting. But the dossier can’t be sent to Ghana. Because they don’t have the fees to send over for the court proceedings. And that is the way the adoption process works – if fees can’t be paid, the process can’t move forward. Everything is at a standstill until God shows up. And this family is trusting that He will. He’s shown up for them in the past, and they trust that He will again.

It would be easy for me to turn over responsibility of Christian to this family. Afterall, he’s going to be their son. But God reminded me on Monday that it’s not time to do that yet. There will be a time to turn him over to their care. But right now, God is holding me responsible for what I know and what I have seen. On Monday God planted a perspective in me that said, “Christian’s is your adoption. You fight tooth and nail, advocate loudly, and do everything you can to bring Christian home. You plead for him, just as you did for your girls. You do your part, and I’ll do Mine.”

So today, I will.

The need is $4000. This is needed IMMEDIATELY so that Christian can go to court. My posts here on the blog average about 200 viewers a day. That means if each one of you reading this donates just $20, we will have the dossier signed, sealed and delivered to Ghana and a court date can be scheduled. Can you do this for a child who has never known the love of a family? This is a boy who has been purposely abandoned – left fatherless and motherless, he’s been physically mistreated by others in an effort TO KILL HIM, he’s been subject to the darkest of evil, and lived 14 years of his life in suffering and vulnerability. And yet God has taken him up. He’s protected his emotions and kept his heart soft. God has given Christian a personality that exudes resilience and perseverance. And a smile through it all.

I have set up a GRACE fund for Christian through Adoption Advocates International in which you can make a tax-deductible donation towards Christian’s adoption. You can donate online by clicking HERE. Once on the donation page you simply need to select “Grace Fund” under the donation designation section and then write “Christian” in the blank spot below. You can also make a donation by phone by calling the AAI office and asking for Kathy and letting her know that the donation is for Christian: 360-452-4777. As always, you can also hand deliver or mail donations to Jake or I and we will get them to Christian’s fund.

**Please, pass news of Christian’s need on to others you know who may be able to contribute.**

Christian deserves to know the love and comfort of a family and his family is waiting anxiously to do just that. I can’t stand the thought that money is standing in the way of that happening. I am so ready for him to be able to start his new life in the United States. To start fresh and new, and to watch the chains of his past be broken.



  1. I donated what I could! Can I re-post this on my blog as a "guest post"?

  2. I couldn't wait to post it- I wanted to get the story out there! If you'd like me to change the post just let me know.

  3. Emily - YES, of course - I am so glad you re-posted it! Get the word out!
