Friday, June 8, 2012

Christian's GRACE Fund: UPDATE!!!!!!!

Alright friends, we are ¼ of the way there! Just talked to Kathy, the head of financials over at the Adoption Advocates International office – as of this morning $1015 has come in for donations for Christian!!!!!!!!!! WAHOOOEY! That plus a $10 donation that was hand-delivered to me yesterday, and one more donation on the way that I know of in the mail! Thank you to all who have donated so far!!!!! PLEASE continue to spread the word about Christian’s need. Feel free to repost my post from yesterday on your blog, or to Facebook! Stress to your friends, family, whoever that NO AMOUNT IS TOO SMALL! The Lord can do amazing things even with just $5!!! If you haven’t donated yet, please, can YOU give even just $5? You may be surprised at how when you open your heart and your hands, and give, God will often bring blessings back to you, and sometimes gives you your money back in supernatural ways. Try it! See what happens!

This scripture challenged my heart this morning when I read it, and I pray that it stirs yours as well….
That's Luke 12:33-34.  My application notes in my Bible say of these verses:

Money seen as an end in itself quickly traps us and cuts us off from both God and the needy. The key to using money wisely is to see how much we can use for God’s purposes, not how much we can accumulate for ourselves. Does God’s love touch your wallet? Does your money free you to help others? If so, you are storing up lasting treasures in heaven. If your financial goals and possessions hinder you from giving generously, loving others, or serving God, sell what you must to bring your life into perspective.


  1. Shared and donated - Glory to God!!

  2. Another donation made for Christian.

    From Riley (KH) and his mom

  3. Thank you friends! I'll be able to get a tally on the fund on Monday from Kathy at the AAI office....will post an update after that! :)
