Sunday, March 18, 2012

Off to Ghana!

All packed and about to head to the airport. :)

The Lord already started this trip off for us in an exciting way this morning. We arrived home from church to an $1100 check sitting on our countertop – with a memo line that read: Adoption. The note…

Jake & Janel~
God gave us a huge blessing this month - we weren’t expecting it and we want to use it for His glory. Love you all and have a FABULOUS TRIP!!!!! Can’t wait to meet the girls!!!

All through church it just so happened that each song we sang today had one similar line that caught my attention: Our God will never fail. Every single day more and more evidence of this shows up in our life. God continues to make a way for us in this adoption, in ways that we never saw coming.

Thank you Jesus for opening up our eyes to hurting people. Thank you for the ways you so intricately stir hearts, and involve our family and friends in this journey along with us….

See you all in a week!

1 comment:

  1. Came across your blog and I live near Des Moines too. Would love to chat sometime. We are on our second adoption from China but would love love to go to Africa someday and possibly adopt! Hope your trip went well and when you are home and settled I would love to visit!
