Friday, March 16, 2012

Everyday Moments

From the week….life’s little everyday moments that catch my eye and make me smile…

[Yaw home on spring break and doing my dishes!!!!]

[Checking bracket standings - read 'em and weep boys - Mommy is in 1st place!]


  1. you have a beautiful family! Hope you all enjoy your weekend.

  2. love this post! JJ has great form! If that's what you call it - coming from a non-BB lover :) Jayla is a hoot! Can't wait til Amber's tramp sides come in... they were supposed to come with the trampoline but were backordered or something so didn't come. Makes me nervous to watch the girls jump without one!
    Will be thinking of you this weekend and praying for a safe journey. I so hope everything goes perfectly with your new "girlies" and cannot wait to see pictures. xo

  3. Jayla has a way of sneaking home things from my house, like baby bottles, blankets, etc. They show up in pictures at your house. LOVE her! So glad I'm close to witness and experience these everyday moments.
