Friday, October 1, 2010

Thank You!

Our adoption of Justice would have never even started had it not been for God placing His plan for adoption into our hearts. We can only give the glory to Him for beginning this and finishing it in His faithfulness.

Along with this, we have had such a supportive group of family and friends that have been encouraging us for the past two years. Wow. In all the adoption literature that I read at the beginning of our journey, I was actually prepared to face the opposite of this. I had readied myself for off-key remarks, heartless questions, and confusion about transracial adoption. I had armed myself with knowledge to face even the most skilled devil’s advocates. Instead, we have received an outpouring of encouragement, support, prayers, love, and excitement for our new son. Wow. Thank you.

Thank you for all the text messages, emails, phone calls, and cards shouting out your support and love for our adoption of Justice. I came home from Ghana to 150 emails/facebook messages in my inbox!!!!! I have read each and every one, it will just take me some time to get back to each of you. THANK YOU!

Thank you to our Kingdom Hoops families who have dropped off tubs and tubs and tubs of boys clothes that can be given to Justice.

Thank you to our friends who have generously given us grocery gift cards and money for groceries.

Thank you to my friend who offered to clip coupons for me so that I can save time and money.

Thank you to my women’s bible study group who prayed me through the rough spots of this adoption….namely the unexpected termination of our adoption of Solomon, the unexpected court ruling of the interim adoption which was thankfully changed, and of course the unexpected happenings of our trip in June. So often I would show up to my bible study on Thursday morning ready to sink into the floor, but your prayers lifted me up and reminded me that God had a plan.

Thank you to the other adoptive families that we have grown so close to throughout this journey. Your experience ahead of us was such a comfort to lean on through the ups and downs of our own journey.

Thank you to my friends who have walked this journey with us from Day 1….always emailing, texting and calling with encouragement and scripture to spur us on.

Thank you that our first week home with Justice has been made so joy-filled as we are greeted by smiles and hugs everywhere we go!

Thank you to all the families who have offered to give us a bike for Justice!

Thank you to the Kingdom Hoops family for our new deep freeze!

Thank you to my women’s bible study group who filled the deep freeze up with food and meals!

Thank you to our adoption agency and to Kofi for working so hard to see this through.

Thank you to our families who have been so supportive of receiving a new family member by way of adoption!

Thank you to all of you unknown people out there in blog land who have been praying and praying and praying for this adoption to have a happy ending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then he who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." ~Revelation 21:5~


  1. Thank you Janel, for being an inspriation to anyone and everyone out there. Your story is a fantastic testiment of how God can move mountains and change lives. Each and every adoption is an incredible story and your journey just shows how important faith is in that story.

  2. This is an Amazing picture!!! And thank you Janel, for blogging throughout your entire journey, and inspiring the rest of us through your incredible way with words and your amazing heart for God!
