Monday, February 1, 2010


So, I’ve simmered down a bit since Friday. :) Our case worker has been on vacation with no access to email or phone, so that has added to the issue since we haven’t been able to get her viewpoint about what this interim adoption ruling means. Needless to say, most of last Thursday and Friday I was feeling F-R-U-S-T-R-A-T-E-D. During JJ and Jayla’s nap on Friday, I started my search of what exactly interim adoption is. And, I found that it is actually quite common in Ghana. Adoption is still very new to Ghana, and from what I could gather, the 2 year interim ruling is their way of doing a custody period to continue to sort of test the waters of the adoption world. However, there was no set explanation as to what determines the difference between getting a ruling of 2 year interim adoption, or a finalized adoption. My consensus was that it is simply up to the discretion of the judge. This past weekend we heard hopeful news that the judge of our case is expected to overturn his initial ruling of 2 year interim, and grant the final adoption tomorrow (Tuesday). If I could do a backflip, I would promise 10 in a row tomorrow if this is granted.

Back to Friday. As I continued to sort through my google results, I was once again reminded of why we are adopting from Ghana. Three reminders came up actually. On one website it had this note to prospective adoptive families for the country of Ghana: Ghana families should be flexible and have a pioneering attitude that will help to pave the way for future families when unforeseen delays or changes in the process occur. I have to continually remind myself that we are part of a pilot program for Ghana adoptions. We are helping to pave the way for future families, and future adoptions. From the beginning, Jake has been so excited about this. I think it lights his fire to get to be one of the first families that has adopted from Ghana. But, to tell you the truth, I am no pioneer. I am getting worn down by this process. Which is why I need to ask God to give me a better attitude.

Reminder #2, these stats:

-UNICEF estimates that there are 1,000,000 orphans in Ghana
-45% of Ghana’s people live on less than $1 per day
-60% of Ghana’s children are involved in child labor or child slavery
-Traditionally the extended family would take on orphaned family members. But in today’s Ghana many children (even toddlers) are left to fend for themselves on the streets.

Next up, God reminded me why I should have a good attitude. James 1:2-4 says: Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. SHA-BAM! Who doesn’t want to be mature and complete, not lacking anything? Wow, that’s what I call great results. Someday I will look back on the failed adoption of Solomon, and going through 3 different referrals, and sickle cell diagnosis, and 2 year interim adoption rulings as ways in which God taught me to persevere. I know my character is constantly being refined and transformed. My faith has been deepened so much on this journey. I have never experienced God’s power before like I have in this adoption. I knew God was Big. But now he is so much BIGGER. I have so many great reasons to Persevere! Have joy! Persevere! Have joy! Persevere! Have joy! On Friday I was also reminded that the ‘mountains’ we’ve experienced in this adoption process are absolutely NOTHING compared to what some people experience in their life. NOTHING.

These were all good reminders to keep everything in perspective and to continue pressing on. We are so close to the end!

1 comment:

  1. still thinking of you and anxious to hear the results.....

    i LOVE the song you have on today. it reminds me of SALT Company in college! love, love, love this song! :)
