Friday, January 29, 2010

Court Results

The court has granted us interim adoption meaning Samuel would be with us for 2 years and then we would need to return him to Ghana for the final adoption to be finalized. We have appealed for the final adoption instead of interim adoption.

I don't understand this. I have never even heard of an interim adoption, nor do I understand why this was the ruling for our case.

I am going to keep praying. That God’s justice for Samuel and his mother would prevail. That God’s will be done in this adoption, whatever that may be.

I was reminded this morning that as much as we love Samuel already, and as much as we have compassion for Samuel’s situation, God’s love and compassion for him is more. God is a father to the fatherless. He is a defender of widows. He hears the cries of the oppressed. God’s mercy NEVER fails. His grace abounds. His compassions NEVER fail. He is a faithful God. God alone hears Samuel’s cries at night. God knows the number of hairs on Samuel’s head. God alone fully understands the situation that surrounds Samuel and his mother. Samuel is God’s child. All the days ordained for Samuel were written in God’s book before one of them even came to be. Samuel is fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of the world. And, He will not forget him. God has a plan for Samuel’s life. Today my prayer will be that I can rest in that plan. I know that I serve a God of justice. A sovereign God who is in control of all things. A God who has changed the mind of kings and judges past. My hope lies in Him.

Psalm 140:12
I know that the LORD secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy.

Isaiah 1:17
Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.

Isaiah 30:18
Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!


  1. we are praying as well. your strength (and God's) amazes me everyday.

  2. Janel, I think its great to be moving forward, even if its just an interim adoption. The process is Uganda (I think its Uganda) utilizes interim adoptions as well. As you continue pray for God's will, know that THIS might be His will. You guys will be back in Ghana as you continue to love on the people there.

    Praying for peace in this process,
    tamara b

  3. God moves in mysterious ways His Wonders to perform. Praying that God will give you peace and patience in this process.

  4. You are such a woman of God and I'm encouraged by your faith in Him. We will continue to pray all goes well. His plan is better than ours, always!!!

  5. ugh. i am so frustrated with the earthly 'systems!' you are right-on to continue preaching truth to yourself (and all your readers!) :) thanks for setting a wonderful example of looking at everything through the lens of scripture. will continue to pray!!

  6. ugh. i am so frustrated with the earthly 'systems!' you are right-on to continue preaching truth to yourself (and all your readers!) :) thanks for setting a wonderful example of looking at everything through the lens of scripture. will continue to pray!!

  7. We don't always understand why things happen the way they do, but I stand as a witness that His plan is the best plan and He does love you and Samuel And all things work out for those who love and trust Him. Praying that you have peace throughout this process and that you will be reunited with Samuel soon.
