Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Favorites about JJ

This imagination....
(paying bills with Daddy - Jake gives him empty envelopes and index cards to pretend)

And, this imagination.....
(eating dinner with his 'friends')

His crazy outfits!
(notice the beautiful cut-off shirt Jake created for him so he could be just like Daddy; and the lovely black socks with sandals)

That he likes to help me cook!

His love for his artwork
(he has to hang everything on his door that he has colored or marked on)

This beautiful smile!

These big brother antics....

And, I have 2 favorites that I can't capture with a picture...

1) When he sings along to songs in the backseat of the car

2) When we talk about where we are going for the day, or what activities we will do and he says, "Sounds like a plan, Mommy!"


  1. ahhh...just melt my heart!! Such a sweet little boy!

  2. Deut. 6:5 came to mind as I read your post today. I can't tell you how refreshing it is to see a mom who enjoys her little ones. Sad to say, that isn't always the case.

  3. My favorites about JJ:
    *Calling Jayla 'Bobby'. I love it! I actually started calling Jayla 'Bobby' as well, and she'd listen to me. It's just cute.
    *Being the pesky brother they are meant to be. Reminds me of how my brother use to be. Well, I lied. It reminds me of how my brother still is today!
