Tuesday, November 3, 2009

From Esi (Nana Yaw's Mom)

Dear Jake and Janel,

It's so good to write to you again. I received your letter which was very exciting to read. I want to take this opportunity to say a very big THANK YOU to you for all the good things you have done for me and my family. Words cannot express how grateful we are for all the love you have extended to Nana Yaw.

I believe Nana Yaw is really enjoying his stay with you with all the numerous travels around. I am most grateful for all the effort you put in plus all the finances you have expended on him so far to get him the F Visa which would allow him to stay and go to school. We back home in Ghana do not even know how to say thank you. In fact, we cannot comprehend this lovely gesture. All we can say is may the good Lord bless you so much. May God replenish your stock tenfold or more as you continue to sow a seed in Nana Yaw's life to turn him around to become a basketball player and academician.

Incidentally Nana Yaw's younger brother who is 14 years, and would be entering high school next year September, is also excelling in basketball. At the last camp organized by Coach Issac he won the most valuable player in the Under-16 years group! He also wants to come to the United States to play. I'll plead with Jake to start looking around to see if he could find a family in and around your place who would be willing to take him on as an exchange student. I have enclosed some pictures he took about two years ago. He has grown taller than this now. He is about 5' 9" at the moment. He is really yearning to come to the United States and I believe he can really excel in life over there just like how Nana Yaw is enjoying. It is only a humble request we are making and we hope we are not being too much of a bother.

Nana Yaw seems to be enjoying JJ so much and it is rather unfortunate Solomon's adoption wasn't able to go through. We are praying that God will make a way for you. I can't wait to see JJ and Jayla again. Those two kids are really loveable and lovely kids and I believe the next time I see them they would be grown. In fact we are planning a trip next year August to visit you. It would be me, my husband, and my two children and maybe my adopted niece. We hope all of us would be welcome in your home for about a 2 week holiday. Don't bother about where we would sleep. We can all bundle ourselves in the basement!

We are really looking forward to Jake's visit in January and please let us know the actual dates when it is getting closer. We are trying to have an internet connection at home so we could communicate more faster with you. Nana Yaw says you have started some processes for him to start driving. He got his driving license in Ghana so I will enclose it in this letter for you. Maybe it will help. The only thing is that you might have to teach him a little bit more since driving in the United States is so different from how we drive in Ghana.

Kindly extend my sincere love and appreciation to Coach Seay and his wife Stacy and their kids. Tell them I have heard all that they have been doing for Nana Yaw and I always pray and ask for God's special blessings for you all. Please don't forget to send me their postal addresses as well as that of the coach in Nana Yaw's school whom he has been visiting. I'll need their email addresses as well as their telephone number so I can try and call them sometimes.

I miss all of you and I wish you well in all your life endeavours. Special regards to JJ and Jayla. God Bless You.

Love from,


(How could you not love this lady!?!?!?! Miss you Esi!)

This is the picture of Nana Yaw's brother that Esi sent (he is on the left holding the basketball). It was taken 2 years ago.

And, Nana Yaw is driving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look out everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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