Wednesday, September 2, 2009

When I was a little girl....

When I was a little girl, my Grandma used to rock me in the rocking chair and sing 'Jesus Loves Me' as she held me on her lap. Whether it was because I was upset, winding down, snuggling, or just for something to do, this was one thing that my Grandma always did with me. I have lots of other memories of us singing together too....remember Psalty - the big, blue, singing, bible?

Well, my Grandma kept my Psalty tapes out on her front porch during the summer time, and I have memories of us sitting out there, singing along to the kids songs on the Psalty tapes. In fact, when I became a mom, the first thing I went in search for were Psalty songs....and I was lucky that my mom was able to hunt them down online!

Last weekend we were at my mom's house, and as I searched for some perfect tomatoes in my mom's garden, I heard that old familiar 'Jesus Loves Me' tune. I looked over, and there on the porch swing I saw Grandma singing to Jayla & JJ:

My mom happened to be right there with her camera, and caught the precious moments perfectly.

Now she's a Great-Grandma, but she's still singing the same old tune!