Thursday, September 3, 2009

Adventures of a City Boy

How many tools does it take to save a mouse from the window well?

When you were raised in the city, it takes at least this many:

Daddy had a few tricks up his sleeve to save the mouse.

Like the sand toy container and sand rake method.

And the snow shovel method.

But, it was hard to complete a mouse saving mission when every time the mouse scurried around Daddy did a little dance and missed the mouse. JJ thought the mouse saving mission might end poorly.

I mean, look what happened to the last guy!

And again I many tools does it take to save a mouse from the window well?
Well, for a mommy it takes a sandcastle shovel, and a sandcastle bucket.

And it takes a mommy 2 seconds to scoop up the mouse and get him in the bucket.

Yes, this job is not for the faint of heart.

Jayla was proud of her mommy's catch.

JJ opted out of taking a peek. And, Daddy got to do the fun part, and released the mouse in our neighbors field.
Sorry neighbor, we couldn't bring ourselves to bop him on the head....he's all yours! :)


  1. That's my girl! I'm just glad you didn't put him in a cage for a pet!

  2. OMG...lauging out loud here!! Too funny!! LOVE IT!! Way to go, I'd do the same thing since Jon is a "city boy" too!! We have the same problem with our window well too. We need to invest in one of those covers not just for creatures but for the safety of the kiddos too. Have a great rest of the week!

  3. atta girl! my country love would have probably shot it with a bb gun and avoided the dancing part :)

  4. LOVE this...and let me just tell you this is EXACTLY how it would happen at our house, too!!!! Gotta love our city boys :)
