Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mom the Builder

The other afternoon we went to Ankeny to try out a new park I had spied during one of our drives to the gym. Once we played awhile lots of people started flooding in to the area, and then somebody out walking handed me a map of kid’s activities that were going to be starting. I found out that we happened to be at the spot where the All City Play Day for Ankeny was about to be held. So, of course we stayed to get in on the action! And, JJ roped me into building a birdhouse at the Home Depot stand. The two of us hammered and nailed and followed the directions to come up with a crooked, non-weather resistant, and wobbly birdhouse! “It looks wow, mom”, JJ said. Yes, some definite wow factor going on. But, to JJ we were Bob the Builder and Wendy, and there was no lookin back. When we got home I had to snap a picture. JJ was SO proud of our creation!

Take 1
Ooops, eyes closed.

Take 2
Last night we went to get some birdseed, but there were about 20 different kinds and they were all really expensive so we didn’t know which to get. We’ll have to ask Grandma.

We also found a great pond next to the park with lots and lots and lots of ducks to feed! In JJ’s words there were mommy ones, and daddy ones, and baby ones, and JJ ones, and Grandma ones and Grandpa ones….oh my! Jayla loved the ducks too, and would point at them and say Ooooooo and then she would roar like a lion because she thinks all animals roar. I snapped a quick pic on my phone.

The ducks came right up to us expecting food, and luckily we had lots of crackers in our bag. So, this was a great pond to get up close and personal with ducks. I don’t think there are any like this in Ames, at least we haven’t found any. If you want to go to this pond it is called Hawkeye Pond and it is off of NW Ash in Ankeny.


  1. I LOVE it! I can see this enthusiasm in his smile! So sweet! OK, a little lesson...bird houses are for nesting and sleeping. Bird feeders are for eating :)

  2. Your mom makes me laugh. :)

  3. Ohhhhhh. That makes sense. I guess we have a lot to learn about birds. :)
