Wednesday, July 8, 2009

In The News

Yesterday afternoon while the kids took their naps, I happened to have the TV on the channel airing Michael Jackson’s memorial service. I hadn’t planned on sitting down to watch it, but instead had it on in the background as I worked on my naptime to do list. However, as I was listening to those that spoke of him and shared memories of him, I was quite inspired and encouraged. One part that caught my attention was when Martin Luther King III spoke. He said he remembers his father always telling them that they needed to find the calling that the Lord had for their life. And, once they found what it was, they needed to be the best at it that they could be. If they were to be a street sweeper, they were to be the best street sweeper that ever lived. If they were to be a teacher, they were to be the best teacher that ever lived. If they were to be a speaker, they were to be the best speaker that ever lived. He said that God put gifts and talents in each one of us, and they were to be used. Aim to be the best, he said. Try your hardest, he said. Whatever it is you do, do it well.

As I caught tidbits of the other speakers, who were family, friends, pastors, and others in the music business, I heard music to my ears. Right there on public television was the name of Jesus being spoken. A few of the speakers shared that although the family and friends of Michael were sad in his death, they knew that God had a purpose in it. They knew that there was life waiting after this life, and that this life is not our end. One speaker shared that this world is not our home. In this world we may have sadness and despair. We may be ridiculed, persecuted and hurting. But, there is comfort in Jesus Christ alone. And, might I add, a heavenly reward of eternal life waiting for those who would confess and believe.

I am not sure what those who tuned into his service expected to see and hear. In fact, one of the background commentators said at the end that they did not expect the service to be so much about family and so much about faith. In fact, I wonder if they would have aired the many parts about faith had they been able to edit it before. That stuff always gets cut out or played down. It seems like the focus of the world and the news and the stories on TV are centered around this man right now. And, I believe God used this memorial service that was shown around the world to display a tiny handful of celebrities saying that there is one God, there is life after death, and hope in the comfort of taking Jesus Christ our Savior. We will come face to face with God on the day we die. It is true and certain. I’m not on board with how America worships fame, I don’t know what Michael Jackson’s personal faith was, nor that of each of his family members, and I don’t know if he was guilty or not of the past accusations against him. But, I thought it was moving to see a few of his family and those that knew him demonstrate that although they are hurting from their loss, they know inside that God is sovereign and in control.

1 comment:

  1. I was SO feeling the same way - there was an awful lot of truth being preached live on national TV!! So cool!!

    The "street sweeper" portion really resonated with me, too, I loved that!
