Friday, February 27, 2009

Who Does Jayla Look Like?

Okay, now it is Jayla’s turn to be compared to our baby pictures! I found a new picture program that I can actually figure out (called Picasa) in which I can paste the pictures right next to each other, so this comparison is a little fancier than JJ’s was. When Jayla was a newborn, she did not resemble my newborn pictures much. But, as she has gotten older, she is really starting to look like my baby pictures.
Here is both of us at 8.5 months (Jayla is the top picture & I am the bottom picture).

And here is one more of us, just for the fun of it (I am on the left, Jayla is on the right). I thought we sort of had the same expression in this one.

People always comment that Jayla looks a lot like Jake too. Here is Jake and Jayla around 6 months (Jake is on the left, Jayla is on the right).

The first thing that passer-byers (is that even a word?) always notice and comment on are Jayla’s big brown eyes.
She could have gotten this trait from either Jake’s side or my side of the family. Both Jake and his Dad have the brownest eyes you have ever seen….you can’t even see their pupils because they are so dark. When I was a baby I had very brown eyes, but they eventually turned hazel like my Dad’s. So, we will see if Jayla stays a true-brown eyed girl!

It is so much fun digging through old photographs! I wonder what I will find next!


  1. Two beautiful girls!

    I can't believe how much hair Jayla has now....Jerzey has a long ways to go!!!

  2. What great pics! Jayla is so beautiful, and you really can see a lot of her beautiful Mommy in her :) She does look like Jake, too. It's hard to tell because Jake has his head shaved, but the baby pics really do show resemblance :)

    Thanks for posting these! I need to track down some of our baby pics and do the same!

    Have a great weekend! BTW I LOVE the new pictures on your blog header! And the descriptions of the "team players" on the side! You're so witty!! Fun.

  3. Nothing better than a brown eyed girl! I'm a bit partial to them. (Because I am one too!) :)
