Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Jake's Journal of Ghana Trip: Headed Home

Day 7-8: 2/17/2009 – 2/18/2009

We woke up on Day 7 and met up with all of the staff from the Right to Dream Academy to finalize the plans for the basketball portion of the academy. After a few hours of meetings and conversation we established a plan and will look at opening the basketball academy on September 1st, 2009. We can only hope to have as great of an impact on lives as the soccer academy has had in Ghana. We know God has a plan for us here in Ghana and we will work hard at using the talents we have been given to develop everything He has desired.
Following our meetings we packed up and headed to the airport as it was finally time to return home. It seems like we just arrived in Ghana without our luggage and now here we were returning home. We can’t wait to see our families and eat LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF FOOD!

The only problem is we are 27 hours away from arriving back in the United States and oh how good will that McDonalds sign look!! Last note as we close out the journal from the first trip to Ghana. Whatever you do, if you plan on visiting Ghana, fly direct! Saving a few hundred dollars by grabbing forty different connections just is not worth it!! Can’t wait to see what trip two will bring.

Flying home over Greenland...picture taken from airplane.

Jake brought a necklace back for JJ.

And he brought back palm tree rattles for both JJ & Jayla.

Mommy got a bracelet!

And a purse! Good shopping Daddy!

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