Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Leavin on a Jet Plane

We are getting ready to take Jake to the airport this morning! Here are a few prayer requests if you think of it:

-Safe on time, easy transitions at each stop over, safety while in planes or cars

-That Jake & Chris would be able to stay healthy while in-country...getting enough sleep, good food. Especially pray for protection from disease and travel type illnesses once in-country. They have both gotten the maximum level of protection through vaccinations, and will be taking an oral medication for malaria prevention. Pray that they would have much clean food and water available to them for meals.

-That the meeting between Jake and Solomon and Solomon's family would go wonderfully. That Solomon would feel comfortable with Jake and that there would be a sense of openness and peace. That Jake would be reassuring to Solomon's family, and able to easily communicate with them.

-That as much adoption paperwork as possible would be able to get completed, that the process would be straightforward, that the court officials would be approachable and easy to work with.

-That Jake & Chris could help Right to Dream formulate an achievable vision for the new basketball facility

-And, lastly, please pray for me, JJ & Jayla as we miss Jake and try to hold down the fort without him. :)

Also, Jake received his itinerary from Right to Dream yesterday. I thought it would be fun to post it on here. Yesterday I noted that they would be staying at a hotel for this phase, but it turns out that they will actually be getting to stay at the house of the founder of Right to Dream (his name is Tom)! So, that is neat. I also see that they get to go to church on Sunday...I am sure that will be a pretty cool experience. Here is the rest of his itinerary:

Friday Feb 13th
Evening: Pastor Sam drops Chris & Jake off at Top Herbal Clinic in Hattso to meet Tom; Tom will then take them to his house where they will have dinner.

Saturday Feb 14th
Morning: Tour RTD Football (soccer) Academy (in Dawu). Meet director & head of recruitment.
Afternoon: Visit site of new RTD academy with Tom (in Old Akradi)
Evening: Dinner with Tom, Helen, Andy & Anna in Accra

Sunday Feb 15th
Morning: Church Labaddi with John
Afternoon: Watch 18U game with Anna & Tom (in Adenta)
Evening: Dinner at Tom's house

Monday Feb 16th
Morning: View local basketball facility examples (around Accra)
Afternoon: Back to RTD Football Academy (in Dawu). Meet head of pastoral care & director of education.
Evening: Dinner with academy pupils (stay overnight in Akropong)

Tuesday Feb 17th
Morning: RTD academy (in Dawu)
Afternoon: Grassroots schools basketball program with Issac (in Adenta)
Evening: Depart 8:20pm (Lufthansa)

Sounds like fun! Thanks ahead of time for your prayers during this exciting time for our family.


  1. I am so excited to hear about what Jake (and Chris) will be doing on their trip. I look forward to how God uses them on this trip and in the future. And reading what you wrote about Jake meeting Solomon and his family nearly has me in tears. I am SO excited for you guys and how close you are to bringing home your boy!

  2. How exciting. I too look forward to hearing all the God stories of this trip.
    And Janel, if you ever need a break while Jake is gone, please let me know! I'd love to watch your kids for a few hours.

  3. Thoughts and Prayers are coming from Jerusalem!

    I am getting so excited for Soloman to come to Iowa!!!!!

  4. We are praying! Thanks for the specifics :) So excited for you!
