Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jake Update....On African Soil!

Just wanted to post that Jake and Chris landed safely in Accra, Ghana about 2 hours ago. Their flight was right on time! They met up with Pastor Sam and are now on the 2 hour ride to the village in the itinerary I had noted that Jake would get to meet Solomon's family tonight, but I had that wrong....since it will be so late once they get there (10pm Ghana time) they are just going to go around the village....Jake will instead meet Solomon and his family tomorrow morning (which will actually be around 3am this morning - Iowa time). Pastor Sam told Jake that Solomon's family is so poor that you can't even believe it until you see it. I have heard this from other families who have adopted from near Ghana as well.....that you just have to see it to even understand. It is so sobering to think about.

On a somewhat lighter note, Jake and Chris did manage to be the only two passengers whose luggage got 'lost'. The airline is supposed to call them as soon as they find it. A funny story is that when I took Jake to the airport yesterday, right before he checked in he was trying to stuff a huge box of Club crackers into his suitcase (this is even funnier if you know about Jake's love for Club crackers). Well, when he tried to zip his bag shut the zipper broke beyond repair, so, I ended up walking down to the gift shop and buying him a new suitcase....BRIGHT orange! It was the only one they had left that would fit his stuff, and it was on clearance! So, at least his bag won't be too hard to find.

Before he left Jake switched cell phone providers to AT&T so that he could have their world plan. He's been texting me all along, and the service was great when he just called from Accra. We couldn't talk for too long, but I did ask him what it looked like there....or what stood out to him. All he said was 'lots of's like driving down Highway 30 with tons of people everywhere'. I'll post more updates as I know...

1 comment:

  1. Glad they arrived safely! Funny story about the suitcase! :)
