Wednesday, March 8, 2017


I have a testimony to share. For the past two weeks since we passed court our next fees for our adoption have been due. This is $3900 to cover remaining legal fees and the process of getting Julius' post adoption birth certificate and passport. We cannot move on to the next steps until we pay this and we don't have it.

Each morning before school for the past two weeks we have been taking this amount to God in prayer during our family bible study time and asking Him to provide. Each time Jake and I and the kids take a turn praying - we've asked the Lord to lay this amount on someone's heart to give us, we've asked Him to bring us extra income this month to cover it, and we've asked Him just to flat out provide it some way some how.

Well, last night as we were walking out of Jayla's conferences we get a random phone call from our friend Mickey. Earlier this week Jake had met with one of Mickey's out-of-state contacts regarding non-profit structure, etc. Within this 45 minute meeting Jake and this man had gotten to talking and swapped adoption stories in which Jake mentioned how we were waiting on this amount of money to move on to the next step. Jake had only mentioned this as part of passing conversation - it was not the focus or purpose of the meeting. Well, Mickey was calling to tell us that he was holding a $3900 check in his hand from this man who felt led to cover these fees we could not pay. PRAISE YOU JESUS!!!!!!!!!!

I felt prompted to share this story today to encourage anyone who is trusting God to provide. Let this be a testimony to encourage you that HE IS FAITHFUL! God is really good at paying debts we owe. Keep trusting Him. And maybe you are on the other side of this and are in a position to bless someone else with the financial resources you have. That number God has laid on your heart is not random. Even if that number makes you uncomfortable or feels sacrificial - perhaps it's because you are holding the weight of a little miracle right there in your hand. Your obedience in giving could mean deliverance for someone else.

"Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God. So two good things will result from this ministry of giving - the needs of the believers in Jerusalem will be met, and they will joyfully express their thanks to God." ~ 2 Corinthians 9:11-12

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