Wednesday, January 11, 2017

'A Home for Christmas' ~ THE FINALE

On January 1st, 2017 we held the celebration to gift Doris and Mawutor and their family their new home. We started off with a feast at our in-country partner's home ~ Vida. All the children and families that Acts 2 Collective provides sponsorship for through Vida's selection were in attendance.

Vida served the food - we had fried chicken, rice, salad, fresh cut fruit and ice cream.

Mawutor (pictured left), Doris (pictured right) and their mother, Abena, enjoy the meal.  The little boy sitting at their table is another child in our sponsorship program.

Children in our sponsorship program, all with their own unique stories.

During the celebration story after story was shared of children in our program who have lost parents as well as families with special needs (HIV, blindness, cerebral palsy, physical deformities) and severe health conditions that need specific medical attention. These children and families are at a great disadvantage in Ghana as they are often overlooked and ignored. But now with the assistance of Vida and the sponsorships through Acts 2 Collective they are finding refuge and help to meet their physical needs. Our sponsorships provide monthly assistance for food, clothing, school fees, and medical procedures. At Acts 2 Collective we desire to pattern our ministry after Jesus, and we see from the scriptures that in meeting spiritual needs the physical needs cannot be passed by. We've often found that meeting a physical need becomes the open door to turning eyes towards faith in Christ.

After our meal celebration we then went with Doris and Mawutor and their mother first to the site of their old home pictured here.  Mawutor has paralysis and cannot walk so that is why Abena carries her on her back.

A glimpse inside the family's old house...

We then walked to the site of the new home.  The really cool thing is that their new home is about 200 steps from their old home. It's just right around the corner, and this is becoming such a testimony to the neighbors. Our team gathered around the home as we consecrated and set apart the home for the Lord's glory. One of the things we prayed was "Lord, flood this home with Your light and life."

Handing over the keys to Abena!

Abena opens the door!

Shortly after we consecrated the home to the Lord, we took group pictures outside the home. When I later saw the pictures I was disappointed at first because every single one of them was completely washed out by light. But then the Lord showed me something. He pointed out that this picture was showing the tangible, physical presence of the Lord (His light) on the home - just as we had just prayed for!

The finished 3 bedroom home from the front...

From the side...

From the back...

In addition to gifting the home itself, we also fully furnished it. Please note that Doris, Mawutor and their family are involved in our sponsorship program so they already receive monthly assistance from us for food and school enrollment.

What the assembled bed frames look like.

Trying out their new bed!

Doris thought it was pretty comfy! :)

In building this home we used all Ghanaian labor workers and materials so as to build into Ghana's economy, jobs, and people. The only thing sent over from the United States was the money.

If you would like to become involved in our sponsorship program the best way to do so is through our 1200 Club. We do not have individual sponsorships but we rely heavily on the monthly donations from our 1200 Club members to sustain our sponsorship programs. Then when we have additional, specific needs come up such as this home we will highlight the need for further fundraising. You can find more information about our 1200 Club and sign up here:  

Thank you to those who were a part of gifting this home. Shortly after finishing this one, we were asked to help another family in a similar situation. God-willing we will continue to be able to meet these needs as they come to us.

"Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." ~ James 2:15-17

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