Friday, September 11, 2015

Changes to our Non-profit

Letter from Jake detailing recent changes to our non-profit formerly known as Kingdom Cares International...

Families and Supporters:

For those of you not familiar with the current structure of our organization I will try to lay it out in as few words as possible.  In 2009 we developed the non-profit organization called Kingdom Cares International to help support our work in Ghana, Africa.  In 2012 we also merged Kingdom Hoops/Iowa Gym Rats into the non-profit entity of Kingdom Cares International.  At the time this was the right decision as it gave us the ability to get into our local Kingdom Courts facility.  Over the past 3 years Kingdom Hoops/Iowa Gym Rats and International Missions operated out of two separate bank accounts with two separate budgets.  However, as both organizations grew over these last three years, the importance of raising funds for both entities also developed.  Therefore, we have come to the conclusion that it is in the best long term interest of both operations - local and international - to become two separate non-profit organizations.  Organizationally nothing will change with Kingdom Hoops and Iowa Gym Rats, however, moving forward all our international work will begin to operate under the name Acts 2 Collective.  We understand that this transition of our international work may cause some initial confusion as we rebrand the name.  However, we believe in the long run that the benefit of operating independently from Kingdom Hoops and Iowa Gym Rats far out weighs any immediate problems with rebranding.

The other reason I felt the need for change was that I felt God had laid it on my heart to begin to unite mission-minded individuals and organizations who want to see the Word of the Gospel spread amongst the nations.  About nine months ago a group of us began to meet monthly to encourage each other and to help meet each other's needs whenever possible.  The organizations involved in this group were myself and my wife who have led the charge into Ghana, Africa and Chad, Africa, as well as The Move Project (, Agrihope (, and The Jonathan House (  Outside of the organizations represented we were also accompanied with a group of other believers who have a calling to world missions.  These meetings spurred us on to some amazing partnerships and to the ultimate formation of Acts 2 Collective.
As we began to meet we began to see the power that Christ has created in us when we work together.  For example in early August 2015 Agrihope moved one of their locally trained Zambians from Zambia to Ghana to our KCI Mission Campus (home of our children's center and school).  The goal is for him to help develop agriculture on our campus and to move us towards our goal of being 100% self-sufficient by 2024.  On another occasion one of the group members invited a young girl named Azlyn to the group as they felt as though she had a calling to long term missions.  She thought she was coming to the group to learn more about Ghana.  Instead she got connected with the Jonathan House and as I write this email she has traveled to Central Africa Republic to begin a long term mission experience there.  I could write countless other stories about how God is working in bringing like-minded individuals together (you can read another one HERE written by one of our A2C board members).  We believe that the Gospel was never intended for individuals to all be running alone doing their own things.  Instead we believe the Gospel should unite us as it did in the early church that is written about in the book of Acts.  We believe that together we can have a greater impact for the spread of the Gospel, and this will always remain the primary purpose of Acts 2 Collective.

We are very excited about what the future holds and what God is doing on the international mission field.  I hope each of you  can take some time to visit our new website at  If any of you have an interest in getting more involved with missions or with Acts 2 Collective please feel free to reach out to me or to our international missions director Ashley Caycedo –  For those of you that have been generously giving to our international programs in the past through Kingdom Cares International and the 1200 Club, we appreciate your continued support as this transition takes place.

In Christ,
Jake Sullivan
President of Acts 2 Collective
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