Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Justice Hoopin'

Although Justice is adamant that he is going to play FOOTBALL in college and someday make it to the NFL, he’s actually turning out to be quite the basketball player as well! His team has improved so much from last year! I would say that just this year Justice has really started to enjoy competing and craves upcoming games. He shows a lot of fire and intensity when he steps on the court and is visibly upset and bothered when his team loses. He’s really starting to ‘catch on’ to the thrilling, challenging, and life applicable world of athletics!





Justice has started attempting and making a lot more 3 pointers this year, but probably his best skill is driving past defenders down the middle of the paint and going in for a lay up.


He averages about 8 points a game, and most of those come from drive-in layups, free throws, and grabbing rebounds for the lay in.

Of course every team has its rivalry and for Justice’s team the championship games of many tournaments often boil down to them and All Iowa Attack who also has a superb 4th grade team. This last weekend Justice’s team was able to capture the 4th grade AAU State Championship with the final match coming down to them and Attack. It was a heated battle, but Justice and his team prevailed and it was SOOOOO EXCITING when they sealed the victory!!!!




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