Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ways You Can Help: Needs for Upcoming March Trip

We are excited to announce that our next trip to Ghana, Africa will be March 11th-19th, 2013. We will be taking a group of at least 11 and possibly a few others who are considering jumping in at the last moment. God continues to lead Kingdom Cares International to be His hands and feet in Ghana, and we anticipate that this upcoming trip will be fruitful and life changing. The trip in March will be completely centered on orphan care and assistance of widows. Outlined below are the various ways that we ask for your help prior to leaving. Kingdom Cares International relies solely on the donations of individuals, church bodies, and businesses to fund our various humanitarian projects in Ghana….we wouldn’t be running without your generosity! Please prayerfully consider helping us meet the needs of the widow and becoming the voice of the fatherless.

How can you help?
  1. Monetary donations: Over the next 30 days we would like to raise $10,000 in order to meet the various needs that exist in the foster homes, orphanages, and schools that we have close relationships with. One foster home is in need of a stove for cooking, another foster home needs additional beds, and a couple others have medical needs that need to be met in order to care for children with special needs. Also, in Asikuma, Ghana, where we spend a lot of our time, we would like to sponsor at least another 100 children to receive health insurance. We would also like to provide small financial gifts to the various schools that we work directly with to provide sponsorship of school fees, uniforms, and other needs of the schools such as supplies and text books. If you would be interested in donating towards this upcoming trip please make checks payable to Kingdom Cares International and mail to 315 Ridgewood Drive, Huxley, IA. 50124. All donations are tax deductible and you will receive a receipt from our organization with a detailed outline of how your funds were used during our March trip.

  2. Donations of baby formula: As blogged about here, there is a mother in Asikuma, Ghana who is pregnant with her seventh child, but also has breast cancer making her unable to breastfeed her unborn child that is due in mid-March. We need to supply our medical clinic in Asikuma with as much baby formula, bottles, and bottle liners as possible. You can drop off any of these items at our offices located at Kingdom Courts – 6095 NE Industry Dr. Des Moines, IA. 50313. You can also make a monetary gift towards the purchase of baby formula in Ghana. We are working with a company called Nestle to attempt to buy formula in bulk amounts that can be delivered directly to the medical clinic. Checks are payable to Kingdom Cares International and can be mailed to 315 Ridgewood Drive, Huxley, IA. 50124. If you choose to donate specific funds to be used towards the purchase of baby formula please make a note in the memo section of your check.

  3. Donations of school bags: Currently there is a need in Ghana for school back packs for children. If you have an old or new back pack that you would like to donate please drop them off at Kingdom Courts – 6095 NE Industry Drive, Des Moines, IA. 50313.

  4. Donations of basketballs: During our January trip we had the opportunity to put on a basketball camp along with Hoops Care International. We had about 125 kids at the camp and only six basketballs. Basketballs are hard to come by in Ghana and if you do find some they are very expensive. We would like to bring as many basketballs with us as possible and donate them to Hoops Care International. If you have an old or new basketball you would like to donate please deflate the ball and drop it off at Kingdom Courts – 6095 NE Industry Drive, Des Moines, IA. 50313.
Thank you for prayerfully considering helping Kingdom Cares International to meet the needs of the people of Ghana, Africa. If you have additional questions please feel to contact Jake at 515-291-1542 or via email  Thanks for your support!

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