Thursday, November 29, 2012

Weaknesses. Glaringly Evident.

Went to bed last night greatly discouraged because my weaknesses were on display practically all day yesterday as I parented my kids and kept failing miserably. Woke up this morning to read this…

Thanking God for this path of adoption and parenting, where the scenery is exhausting yet FULL of rich spiritual treasures that I would not learn without my weaknesses and frailty being exposed. God didn't lead us to adopt because we are pros at handling and responding to every situation - but rather to once again turn our wordly wisdom upside down. In God's Kingdom, weakness = strength for it is the stomping grounds where we learn to rely on HIM alone. An easier, less difficult path, would cause me to miss out on the high of watching God's character and power be revealed in my life like I have never known before!


  1. Thank you for posting. We heard some rough news on our adoption and we may not be able to move forward with our referral. I felt like I failed but I am trusting that my Father has a plan and a good one. I read your post and was reminded of my first adoption. I have gained such a closeness with God through the roller coaster of adoption. Reading your post was the reminder I needed today to move forward with God first. Thank you

  2. Oh yes, so true!

    I love the saying: "God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called."

    This has *certainly* been true in my life!
