Tuesday, November 6, 2012

First Two Weeks In Pictures

Jasara's first time swinging!

Jennifer's first time on the merry-go-round.

Justice on big-brother duty

We've got another one who can hold her own among the boys. :)  Jennifer loves to play-wrestle and I think JJ has finally met his match!  She may look tiny, but she's a strong one!

Jayla enjoying sister-hood

Justice making his special Ghanaian omelets for his sisters. :)

You can take the girl out of Africa, but you can't take the Africa out of the girl!

Halloween 2012:
The Incredible Hulk, Princess Tiana, Batgirl, John Cena, Minnie Mouse

Jennifer loves to explore Jayla's hair any chance she gets!

I'm going to need a bigger fridge to hold all this artwork...receiving new designs on a daily basis!

Jasara has been waking up about an hour into naptime.  The first couple of days she tricked me so I got her up only to find that she wanted to snuggle right back to sleep.  :)

Took the girls to an indoor park with inflatables last week.  Jennifer would carry Jasara on her back up the steps so that she could go down the slides too.  Jasara literally molds to Jennifer's back....you can tell this was the usual way she hitched a ride in Ghana!

We traveled to Nebraska for one of Jake's Kingdom Hoops tournaments this past weekend.  The girls had fun checking out the hotel and making a little hideout.

We swam for almost 2.5 hours straight on Saturday!

And of course, when you are on the road you have to hit up McDonald's a few times. :)  Yes, that would be more than once.
Running errands with my beauties!

The Sullivan girls - almost 2 weeks in the books!

If you've ever wondered (as I have) how African women swaddle their babies onto their backs....well, wonder no more! Jennifer has the technique down pat! Here's your lesson...

.....and......I can say it really works!  Tried it out this afternoon just for fun and the girls were CRACKING UP watching me maneuver this!  And Miss Jasara is definitely still content to be carried this way.  She hugged onto my back like a pro and was ready to roll. :)


  1. oh my word... So great! Jasara looks so tiny next to Justice in the picture of him helping her on the scooter!
