Friday, October 12, 2012

Some of My Favorites About Justice

Getting to watch him experience and try things that he would have never gotten to do had he stayed an orphan in Ghana…


(First dirt bike adventure with our friends/neighbors, The Ward’s, earlier this week – this was literally a dream come true for him)…

I love his intrigue/heart of discovery for nature…

One of my most favorites about Justice is his kind-hearted, compassionate, extremely patient, caring and selfless personality. I really believe that these attributes will make him a great teacher (or pastor) someday. I caught this in pictures when he helped JJ learn how to ride his bike without training wheels (also blogged about this here)…

And again at the end of the summer when he taught Jayla how to do a back float…

I wish you could have heard him instructing her on what to do - “chin up, belly up” - all the while encouraging her until she got the hang of it. He seriously sounded like a seasoned swim coach. There were other onlookers watching him give her impromptu ‘swimming lessons’. Within about 10 minutes of observing him helping Jayla, Jake and I had 3 different adults come up to us and comment on how kind-hearted and endearing Justice’s personality was. It was so cool because this led them to start asking questions about our family and we got to share our adoption story.

Another of my favorites about Justice is his hunger for truth. I can’t capture this in a picture, but I can continue to tell you stories that illustrate it…

Towards the end of the summer Justice asked me what our bodies would be like in heaven and if we would be able to fly (typical adventurous boy question!). I told him that the Bible says that our bodies won’t be physical in heaven which is kind of hard to picture. I said for example that we won’t have bones or flesh/skin because our bodies will be spiritual. I mentioned that we won’t be limited by space, time or gravity and we also won’t feel pain or ever get hurt or sick in heaven. I then took him through 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 where it talks about the resurrection body. We talked it through for about 10 minutes and I also showed him a video testimony of a man who had died, experienced his spiritual self leaving his physical body behind, and then being taken into the presence of God. Eventually this man was brought back to life but his details about the spiritual world were extremely biblical and vivid so I wanted Justice to hear his explanations. After our lengthy conversation I figured that I had answered his question.


A few days later Justice said, “I prayed and asked God what our bodies would be like in heaven. And He gave me a dream that showed me.”

As soon as he said it my heart skipped a beat in excitement! Because all throughout the Bible there are stories of God revealing things and speaking to people through dreams and visions. I was so excited that Justice got to experience this! Of course, I said, “And….what did He show you?!?!?!”

He responded, “Well, we are going to be white. No, not white. I mean, like, we will be able to see through our bodies.” At this point I knew he was searching for the word ‘clear’ but that he didn’t have it in his vocab. So I offered him the word and he said “yes!”. He went on to explain what he meant by clear/see through.  He said that with our heavenly bodies you would be able to take your hand and put it through someone’s middle section and your hand would come out the other side. :) And lastly he said, “The people I saw in heaven were walking around. They had legs and feet. They weren’t like ghosts that you would see on TV. But if someone saw them they would think they were a ghost, but they weren’t. They had feet.” It sounded like he was trying to say that we aren’t going to be memberless beings floating around in heaven. We are going to have bodies, but our bodies will have spiritual properties, not physical. And that was his dream. Pretty cool.

I love that when my answer wasn’t enough for him, he searched for more on his own and went to the right source - God. And I love that God is so waiting to grant more information about Himself and His kingdom to those who come to Him in childlike faith (Hebrews 11:6). ♥

At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. ~ Matthew 11:25 ~

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