Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ghana: Day 1 of Homecoming trip!

It’s about 5pm in the afternoon here and we have had an AMAZING day!  For those of you who have been praying that the girls would have a supernatural bond to us in their hearts – we are already seeing an answer to that prayer!  The girls took to us IMMEDIATELY and have loved to interact with us. Jasara wants us to feed her and give her drinks and she is such a happy little thing when her tummy is full.  She babbles on and on in a constant dialogue with herself or anyone who will listen. Jennifer knocks me over about every 5 minutes with huge hugs while always flashing her beautiful smile!  She has this sweet little squeal that she does when she is excited – it is so cute. Both the girls are napping right now can you believe it?!?!?!  To Justice, JJ and Jayla – the girls keep looking at the photos we brought of you over and over and over!  Can’t wait until we are all together!!!! 

Here are some pictures of our fun so far....

Looking at pictures of Justice, JJ and Jayla!

This is isn't the best picture of Jasara but I wanted you to see the JOY in Jennifer's smile!!!

We brought Barbies for Jennifer and her foster mother's daughter, Rosemund.  When I gave these to them they danced a figure 8 around the table, laughing and yelling.  They were so excited!  I made sure to get some Barbies with extra long hair so they could practice their braiding!

I threw this little baby doll in for Jasara as an afterthought, and I'm sure glad I did!  She was fascinated with it all day long!  She wanted it strapped to her back Ghanaian style, talked to it, and fed it food. :)

Daddy, kiss my baby!

Busy girls!

These eyes.  Love them.

This smile.  Love it!

Jasara brushed and brushed and brushed the Barbie's hair.  This will make a great activity for the plane ride!

This is my favorite picture from the day. :)  This was the first time Daddy took Jasara around the swimming pool....she just LOVED IT!

Jennifer and Rosemund are happy when they are getting along, but I did have to break up a wrestling match/fist fight after lunch!  Social behaviors are typically one of the first things you have to work through in Ghana adoption.

Mommy and Jennifer. :)


  1. LOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE seeing the pictures of you guys with your girls!! This morning at church we sang the new "Savior" (Adoleo) song. When we sang, "You are Healer of the broken, in your arms there is no fear," God totally brought you to mind and gave me the image of your girls now knowing no fear because YOU - God's physical representation on earth- are now holding them in your arms. Our God is so good. Love ya!

  2. Love seeing all your pictures. I know this sounds strange, but in my minds eye the picture of "daddy" and Jasara in the pool they look alike! God Bless your journey.
