Thursday, August 23, 2012

Talk of the Town ~ Dotse Update!!

O Lord my God, you have performed many wonders for us.
Your plans for us are too numerous to list.
You have no equal.
If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds,
I would never come to the end of them.
~Psalm 40:5~

I last updated you on Dotse HERE which was during the first days of Jake’s recent trip to Ghana. Then, some awesome news from our in-country worker ‘K’ after Jake got back to the U.S.…

August 13th:
Praise the LORD our God! Just got a call right now from FOCOS hospital that Dotse must come for admission today at 3:00pm for the surgery to be done tomorrow :D! Let's all keep praying for a successful end :D!

From there, ‘K’ helped Dotse get packed up and to the hospital where he was admitted. ‘K’ was to stay with Dotse throughout the surgery, and would be checking up on him throughout his recovery time in the hospital.

The next day, August 14th, we received the following picture, with the words: Dotse was just taken into the surgery room!

That moment is worth a THOUSAND HALLELUJAH’S in my book.

From there, the surgery took a whopping 4.5 hours. You may have caught from my last update that Dotse had also been complaining of pain in his left leg in addition to the compound fracture of his arm. The surgeons ended up operating on his left tibia (bone in leg) as well, which they had planned to do in the original assessment as detailed in my last post. The official surgical procedure performed on Dotse was termed: Sequestrectomy of Right Ulnar and Left Tibia (Partial Excision). The definition of sequestrectomy is: The surgical removal of a sequestrum- a piece of dead bone that has become separated during the process of necrosis from the sound bone.

Our next update came later that day, in the form of pictures with the subject line: He’s out! Out of surgery that is!

Dotse stayed in the hospital for recovery for one week. And then on Monday of this week we received the awesome news that Dotse had been discharged!!!

[Dotse’s medical care package includes post-surgery check-ups each week, leading up to the casts coming off.]

Dotse got re-settled back in Asikuma and the next day, Tuesday, August 21, ‘K’ was there to check in on him at his home. Here is Dotse pictured with his family.

And a note from ‘K’…

Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 4:06 PM
Subject: DOTSE is BACK home, HEALED :D.


Glory, honor and adoration to He that lives forever and ever, amen. On behalf of my own self, Dotse and his entire family, I'm saying a big thank you to team Sullivan and the many other Iowan friends, that out of kindness, sympathy and above all - their love for Christ Jesus, help Dotse in all aspect for his wellbeing. Just like a dream coming true, what the Lord has put in our hearts to do, is now done, with Dotse back home HEALED :D! May the LORD himself bless and reward you all according to his promises:). He is now back home as I said, healed, with everybody wondering how wonderfully things have gone :D.

We bless the name of the LORD. May the LORD be with and bless you all.


‘K’ continued to tell Jake that Dotse is the talk of the town! :) When I read the above email, and the sentence that said “he is now back home as I said, healed, with everybody wondering how wonderfully things have gone” I was immediately transported to a section in scripture after Jesus heals a paralytic…

Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today.” ~Luke 5:26~

I can just picture the buzz around Asikuma as the villagers see Dotse walking around with his casts and realizing that he received care and help. In a dusty, old, forgotten village it must feel like a miracle to witness such things.

Although I get the wonderful joy of writing out these details and telling this story, this all has come because Jake refused to ignore God’s proddings that something could be done for Dotse. Jake spent many restless hours fighting on behalf of this boy so that he could get the care that he needed. And you all took us seriously, donated to cover his medical bills, and God made a way. It is a sharp thought to think about what would have been for Dotse, had he continued to suffer with no one advocating for him. But instead, a happy ending reigns.

Praise the Lord, O my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits—
who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.
~Psalm 103:1-6~

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