Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Christian's GRACE Fund: VICTORY!!!!!!!!

I’ll call nobodies and make them somebodies;
I’ll call the unloved and make them beloved.
In the place where they yelled out, “You’re nobody!”
They’re calling you “God’s living children.” (Romans 9:25-26)

That is adoption my friends. The unwanted become wanted. The oppressed are freed. Those wronged are covered in justice. Those brokenhearted are immersed in lovingkindness. Not because of anything they themselves have done. But because of God’s great mercy.

Through your generosity, we are in the midst of a story just like that. We are living - breathing - watching - part of - what God is doing for the boy named Christian.

Last night, I received an email that took us into sweet victory:

Another $500 donation for Christian just came in!!!!!

That means, we have reached our $4000 goal – and then some. The fund overflows and now Christian’s adoption case can be sent to court. Goosebumps. What a high to see God come through.

Some of you, after you donated online received an email thank you from AAI for your donation. Some words in the email really hit me…

The GRACE Fund (Generosity Results in Adoption for Children Everywhere) provides assistance to families who might not have the means to cover all the costs of adoption, with a special focus on placement of the longest waiting children, children with special needs, and children who might not otherwise be able to be placed.

Christian was estimated to be 14 years old and he is considered special needs because of his visual impairment. Already those two things put him in the category of unwanted in the adoption world - an older child with special needs. Usually these are the last ones taken, the last ones anyone wants to invite into their family. But, Jesus would whisper to Christian – “you are my beloved child”. He has not neglected to take up his cause.

Through a $5 donation here and a $20 donation there and a couple of $100 donations here and there and a few $500 donations to make up for the spaces – God has stirred in your hearts – and used you to set this child’s feet upon a rock. A child that’s only known mud and mire and a slimy pit. Now the Lord will give him a firm place to stand, and put a new song in his mouth.

Thank you friends, for being part of this adoption.

The Lord your God is with you,
He is mighty to save,
He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with his love,
He will rejoice over you with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17)