Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Update 2: Christian's GRACE fund

Just wanted to give an update that so far $1610 has come in donations for Christian’s GRACE fund – so almost half way there! THANK YOU to all of you who have given donations and to those who have been spreading the word!!!! We are still hoping to raise the full $4000 so that Christian’s forever family can get started on the court proceedings in Ghana. Once again, here is the donation information:

You can donate online by clicking  here.

Once on the donation page you simply need to select “GRACE Fund” under the donation designation section and then write “Christian” in the blank spot below. You can also make a donation by phone by calling the AAI office and asking for Kathy and letting her know that the donation is for Christian in Ghana: 360-452-4777.

In case you need to be caught up to speed, here are some of my main posts about Christian that I have written in the past year (click on the blue titles to be linked to the posts):

March 22, 2011: (The first day I met Christian) My Experience in the Schoolyard

March 23, 2011: The Boy Named Christian

May 2, 2011: The Boy Named Christian – Update!

May 13, 2011: Adoption Update Regarding Christian!

June 3, 2011: The One who Heals the Blind

August 23, 2011: Familiar Faces

Waiting in joyful expectation to see what God will do......


  1. Can't wait until it ALL comes in. It won't be long. My daughter and I gave $ to jake this am... Praying for Christian.

  2. Just caught up with this story. God is amazing. I post a link to your blog on my blog at www.ashleyfisherslife.blogspot.com
