Monday, May 14, 2012

A Full Weekend!

I had such a great Mother’s Day Weekend – one of my favorites by far! On Saturday I treated MY mommy to a pedicure, something we haven’t done together since high school I think! Jayla got in on the action too, and now all of our cute little toesies are ready for summer!

Jake’s Kingdom Hoops program hosted the tournament locally this weekend, so we went to Justice’s games. His team has had a few months break from tournaments, so he has really been working on his game during the off-time. It was so exciting and encouraging to see some major improvement in him and how much his skills are developing!

We also squeezed in Jayla’s birthday party this weekend since Jake will be traveling to a tournament next weekend which is when her actual birthday is. I am going to save those pictures and her birthday post until next weekend when the big day comes, but here’s a sneak peek from her party….

I know the best part for Jayla was that a TON of her little friends came. When everyone had to start leaving for the night she pulled me into her bedroom, tears filled her eyes and she said, “Why is everyone leaving mommy?” Oh. Break. My. Heart. I told her that everyone had to get home because there was school tomorrow, and all fun parties have to come to an end. “Well, will all these people come to my party next year too?” she asked. “Of course!” I told her. Jayla is my little social bee – she is perfectly content to be surrounded by friends and family (and lots of them!) - that’s all she needs and she is so happy!

On Friday after school I was getting ready in the bathroom when Justice got off the school bus. About 5 minutes later Jayla came busting in the bathroom and said, “Justice says the big rectangle and big square polka-dot boxes are for me, and the small square polka-dot box is for you.” I had no idea what she was talking about. I went out in the living room, and saw three perfectly wrapped presents, with cards nonetheless, sitting in a pile by Jayla’s other birthday presents. Two of the polka-dot gifts had Jayla’s name on them, and one had mine on it.

By this time Justice was off playing outside in the driveway, but I knew that he had just set these gifts out. I had also just set all of Jayla’s presents out that day, so I figured he had been keeping these gifts hidden as a surprise until it got closer to the party. Later that night I asked Jake if he had taken Justice shopping for our gifts earlier in the week. “No,” he said. When I explained the presents that he had set out that afternoon we both just looked at each other in mystery! How did Justice not only buy Jayla and I gifts and where from, but also how did he get them so perfectly wrapped and find greeting cards to put on them?! Well, there is definitely more to this story and it is a perfect fit for another post tomorrow! :) But, here is a glimpse of my sweet Mother’s Day gift from Justice – a little frame with sayings about mothers…

Seriously, how cute is that??!!! Gosh, I love his heart! Jake and the kids also got me a special curling iron for my hair that I have wanted for a loonnggg time!!!! I was SO EXCITED to get it! And to picture Jake standing at the curling iron kiosk in the mall, in an in-depth conversation with the sales-lady about which curling iron was the right one – PRICELESS!

It's always a special day when you get to be with family ~ 3 mothers and 4 generations of girls!  Happy Mother's Day 2012!
All weekend long I was thanking God for giving me such a perfect little family. All of my dreams to be a wife and mom have come true. I could not ask for more. ♥

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