Thursday, May 24, 2012


I am screaming in excitement, crying in joy and JUMPING UP AND DOWN!!!!!!!! We just got the phone call that every adoptive parent WANTS TO GET.........


I don't even have the words right now to tell you how CRAZY EXCITED I am because I can hardly breathe! There are so many emotions flying through me right now!!!!!!!!

First let me tell you real quick that we had no idea that we had a court date!!!! Our case was presented yesterday and we passed with flying colors - but we just found out this morning - and WOW do I like it better this way! For the past week or so I had a feeling this was coming and was checking my emails like a nutcase hoping to hear that we had a court date scheduled. But then our agency program coordinator called with the news this morning that we had already had the court date and passed - I seriously think I almost shot through the roof. God. Is. SO. FAITHFUL!

So, you may be wondering what this means - this means that our girls are OFFICIALLY ours in Ghana and that they now have our last name. :)  The courts will now print up the offical adoption decree which is the final document we need to file the I-600 form.  I-600 approval is the last approval we need before our girls can get their visas and come home! 

And the best part?

I can now reveal their beautiful faces online!


Florence (1.5 years) and Jennifer (5 years) SULLIVAN!

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.  God sets the lonely in families (!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Psalm 68:5-6


  1. Congratulations and so exciting! They are both so precious! Hopefully the rest goes quickly and they are home soon!

  2. Tears of Joy for you and your family!!!! So excited for you Janel! What a blessing! And they are beautiful!

  3. This is the best news ever!! So happy and excited for you guys!

  4. Ah that's exciting! I can only imagine how you feel.

  5. Oh what sweet news! Beautiful!

  6. Congratulations! What beautiful girls and family of seven you have. So excited for you guys and lifting you all up that the rest of the process would go just as smooth.

  7. Congratulations! SO, so, so, so, so excited for you! They are beautiful! Can't wait to hear you have visas and are ready to bring them home! :)

  8. Praise the Lord! These sweet girls now have an amazing forever family. :)

  9. I love God's providence that I found your blog and I am blessed to read these wonderful blogs about God's work in your life and those you love. Your five children are Blessed to be yours to raise until His plan is worked fully in their lives. Do the girls get the J names as the others do?!?

  10. I'm so excited for you. I saw your post on FB yesterday, but I keep thinking of you and a smile keeps coming to my face. :) So. Awesome.
