Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Kael Man Race Website is Up!

In January I shared this story of our friends, Derek & Dawn Grooters, who walked through the valley of the shadow of death with their son Kael. Following Kael’s passing, the Lord began to speak a vision into Dawn’s heart….

One day in May 2011, I was running and God had put it on my mind several times to set up a race in Kael’s name to help honor his memory and do good for someone or something. That morning as I ran, I asked God “what do you want me to do with this?” Then He answered me, “I gave Kael parents who loved him and took care of him. I want you to help the children I have already put on this earth have loving parents too. Use this race to help families who want to adopt and love children.”

From that day this race has turned from a vision to reality. Preparations for the 5K are in full swing, and now the race website is up!!!!

Visit to register for the 5K, become a sponsor for the event, donate to help families adopt, and to read the Grooters’ story. The Grooters have subtitled this 5K run/walk as a ‘Race to make adoption an option’. With your support for this event you are not only helping Derek and Dawn honor their son Kael’s memory, but you are also providing financial grants to assist families that want to adopt children (WHOOO HOOOO!).

As a reminder, here are the race specifics:

Date: Saturday, July 7th, 2012 at 8 am
Site: Ada Hayden Park in Ames, IA
Registration Fee is $25

If you don’t see yourself participating, please consider a donation - small or large - to the cause. Your donation will go into the pool of money given out as adoption grants, which will help bring home orphans to their forever families. If you are moved to give even $10, you can make a tax deductible donation by clicking here.

Let’s get registered people!!!!!!!!!

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