Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Adoption Needs in Ghana

I have two specific needs I wanted to share about today that have pulled on my heart. These are current needs within the Ghana program of the adoption agency that we are using: Adoption Advocates International (AAI) []

1) AAI Ghana Program is in need of families who are interested in adopting children over six years old! They currently have no families approved to adopt who are waiting for older children. Wait times could be short! Larger families (6+ children) can apply on a case by case basis!

2) AAI is hoping to find a family for Baby A in Ghana.....
Baby A is less than a year old. She has been diagnosed with microcephaly (small head size) and cerebral palsy. There is a concern of cortical blindness. She may also have hearing issues. And yet, she is beautiful and just as much in need of a mommy and daddy as any other child! Her fees will be reduced. AAI is looking for a homestudy-approved family. Please contact if you think Baby A may be your future daughter! [And please help AAI spread the word!]

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