Thursday, December 8, 2011

No Winter Blues 'Round Here!

Our kids have been keeping busy this winter, with little imagination-inspiration needed from hibernating mom! They can have loads of fun with less than an inch of snow…

JJ and Justice are also on a tent-making kick!

Although it does take up almost the entire living room and makes the house look a little disheveled, hearing their little voices inside there talking and giggling for HOURS (yes, that’s plural) makes a momma’s heart smile!

They also like to cozy up with all their big comforters inside and sleep in there overnight like a campout. I did have to make a rule that the tent comes down on Sunday nights for the week….but can go back up on Fridays. :) It’s so fun to hear them talk about looking forward to putting up their tent throughout the week.

In this home, anything can turn into a competition, even balloon volleying. This don’t-let-the-balloon-touch-the-floor-game is a family favorite right now.

The other day Justice came home from school with this….

…..a handmade piggy bank! His ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher has been trying to teach him that reading is FUN and that it has meaning. So, she had him read through an instruction manual on how to make this. He was so proud of his creation, and of course JJ was quite wow’d and asked Justice if he could help him make one too. They started JJ’s bank while I was at a baby shower this past weekend, and Jake was in charge (ahem!). Justice couldn’t quite remember what it was they had used to make the newspaper paste in class. He thought that they had used some sort of powder mixed with water, so he opened up the cupboard to find something that looked like it….and apparently decided on pancake mix! When I got home later the boys were so proud to show me their start of a soggy pancake mix piggy bank. In the end they had to throw that one away, but started a fresh project once Justice located his copy of the instructions and realized that the paste was made of FLOUR! Of course JJ is happy to let Justice do all the messy work….

Justice also learned how to make snowflake cutouts at school this year, and is constantly creating new designs for me to decorate with at home.

So far, winter is oh-so-good, and we are excitedly waiting for the first BIG SNOW!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading all your updates! Your children are so beautiful!!
