Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"I would adopt if only it weren't so expensive!"

If you’ve ever said that then before you do anything else, take about 5 minutes and go read this blog post: http://ordinaryheroblog.blogspot.com/2011/06/i-would-adopt-if-only-it-werent-so.html The points that she brings up cannot be any better said!!!! I especially LOVE her thoughts on getting over the hurdle of feeling bad about asking for money and recognizing that as a pride issue.

As the author of that blog post notes, of course nobody wants to go into debt in order to fund an adoption. Recently, another adoptive mom published a book called ‘Adopt Without Debt’. The subtitle is ~ Creative Ways to Cover the Cost of Adoption. Earlier this summer this mom/author was featured on The Dave Ramsey Show, and you can listen to her interview here: http://adoptwithoutdebt.com/?p=219 You can also order the book off that same link and check out the Adopt Without Debt blog.

As you read through each of the links above you will continue to come across this word: Fundraising!!!! Be creative! If you are the sporty type how about organizing a 3 on 3 tournament in which you can raise money through entry fees and spectator admissions? You could apply the same idea with a dodge ball tournament, or have runners collect pledges and host a 5k/10k in your neighborhood! We have friends down the road who raised over $3000 for their adoption fund on a weekend garage sale! Their friends and family donated items to the sale and it was a huge success! People are always willing to give you their old/unwanted/unused STUFF….so make use of it! I could write pages and pages of ideas on fundraising – from sending out support letters (just as you would do to raise money for a missions trip), to selling t-shirts (check out http://www.adoptionbug.com/fundraiser.htm), to hosting an event like a concert (maybe you have friends who are in a band), hosting a dinner/movie night at your local community center in which you can sell tickets beforehand, or maybe you have a skill/hobby in which you could sell your handmade items online (photography, jewelry, baked goods, cloth bags/purses,etc). Not creative? Sell merchandise already designed for adoption fundraising through either of these organizations: http://www.147millionorphans.com/147-Million-Orphans-Fundraising-Program_ep_51.html OR http://www.ordinaryhero.org/Ordinary_Hero/OH_Fundraising.html One of the churches that Jake recently spoke at asked for an offering for our adoption by having its congregation put in whatever they were going to spend on going out for lunch that day. What a great idea! This pastor knew about God’s multiplication! He got this offering idea from John 6:1-15 and the little boy who donated his personal lunch which became the pieces Jesus multiplied and used to feed the five thousand (I just blogged about this concept here: http://team-sullivan.blogspot.com/2011/11/bring-what-you-have.html) How about putting a pay pal button on your website/blog and simply asking people to donate their lunch money for one day? Watch it add up!

There are a few more things to look into in addition to fundraising:

A number of companies have adoption assistance programs built into their benefits with some providing between $2000 to $8000. For more information visit http://www.adoptionfriendlyworkplace.org/

An increasing number of churches are establishing adoption funds as part of their budgets. As I’ve blogged about previously, our church gives out generous adoption grants and have been an integral piece in us coming up with our finances to adopt. Ask your pastor whether your church has something set up. If not, ask about starting a fund.

A handful of our friends who are adopting have sought out their parents or family/friends for a loan to cover adoption expenses. They then pay them back when they receive their adoption tax credit which comes through on taxes after the adoption is finalized. If that isn’t an option for you there are many organizations that give out interest-free loans for adoption. Here are a few to look into:

-The ABBA Fund (http://www.abbafund.org/) is designed to help Christian families overcome the financial obstacles of adoption through interest-free loans that can be paid back over time. (I also stumbled across a really cool ministry of the Abba Fund called LegacyChild [http://www.abbafund.org/legacychild.htm] It is designed for families to set up memorial funds in memory of a loved one. The family is able to choose a pre-approved family that is waiting for funding for their adoption to receive an interest-free loan.)

-Lifesong (http://www.lifesongfororphans.org/) is another organization that provides interest-free loans.

There are also many foundations that give out adoption grants to those who qualify. Here are two:

-Show Hope http://www.showhope.org/

-James 1:27 Foundation (Iowa families only): http://www.james127foundationadopt.org/

And don’t forget to look into adoption through your state’s foster care system! The costs are minimal to none. http://www.iowakidsnet.org/index.cfm

Last, but not least, be honest with your friends and family on how much adoption costs, and at the same time be open about how you trust in God to provide those finances (DO YOU?!?!)!!!! When others realize how much adoption costs, God may stir them to bless you with a one-time gift to help out! :)

Please add more ideas or post your adoption finance success stories in the comments section!

1 comment:

  1. We just did a project with the Both Hands Foundation (www.bothhandsfoundation.org) and it was an amazing experience. I have no idea at this point how much we have raised, but in terms of our experiences just seeing our friends & family come together to support us and to help a widow in need was just amazing. One of our volunteers told me "this is the coolest thing I've ever been a part of."

    (you can see what we did here: http://youtu.be/bC4YsLSlFpc the video will give you an idea of what it was like to do the project...truly an incredible experience!)
