Monday, October 24, 2011

Visiting Yaw

Jake had the opportunity to be the speaker for a men’s conference at Morningside Lutheran Church in Sioux City this weekend. Yaw (our first ever host student from Ghana) is at Dordt College in Sioux Center about a 45 minute drive from where we were, so we swung by to see him Sunday afternoon!

He showed us around campus...

And we loaded him up with some goodies - college style!

We checked out his dorm room where he and his 6'5" roommate squeeze into their loft beds! I laugh just thinking about it! Yaw got us each a crisp new Dordt College t-shirt!

And of course Yaw wanted to show Jake the gymnasium where he will play all his games. We hope to make it up to a game before Christmas!

According to Yaw….

-The dorm food is bad (in fact he is the only one I know who has gone off to college and gotten skinnier!)
-His classes are good, and his teachers are very nice (he’s majoring in business).
-There is one other guy on campus from Ghana!
-No one can pronounce his name there – they call him Ya without the ‘w’. He said they just can’t seem to catch onto his name!
-He walks to church and catches rides to the store.
-His basketball team is picked to finish second in their conference heading into the season. Jake predicts that they will make a run for the NAIA Division II title this year!
-He and Ezekiel (who is back at Gillette College) talk every day.
-He won’t be home for Thanksgiving because of practices and a tournament, but he’ll be home for Christmas!

We are REALLY missing Yaw! Especially, you-know-who!


  1. I love Jayla's dress and boots. Looks like she has a bit of a swagger too. Watch out world here I come I think I hear her saying!

  2. Eli lost weight too. Must be that we are too good of cooks! LOL.
