Friday, October 28, 2011

I'll Be Thinking About Them All Day!!!!

Around 2pm today our friends, The Lee’s, will get to start the next chapter in their adoption journey…..THEIR THREE KIDS WILL BE ON U.S. SOIL – finally! Jason & Jen will be meeting their kids for the first time this afternoon as their kids are escorted to the Chicago aiport by chaperones from their birthcountry. As our friends started their international adoption from C-country in Africa last year, Jake and I have ridden along their roller coaster ride of highs and lows, with the excitement building the past 4 weeks as we knew this day was getting closer and closer. All morning long my tummy has been turning in excitement, trying to picture what those first moments will be like as Jason & Jen get to meet and hug Zahra, Zoe, & Isaiah for the very first time this afternoon. This never gets old to me. It’s just so amazing to me that God had these children picked out for our friends all the way across the world….and now they are in the sky and on their way! You will definitely want to follow along this family’s journey as they enter this new phase of life post-homecoming. Jen is extremely prepared for the challenges that lay ahead and any adoptive mom will be encouraged by the information, resources, and insights that she shares on their family blog. Make sure to check out this post especially…..

Rejoicing with our friends today that God sets orphans in families! I know He will be glorified many times over through this family’s adoption!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. We are praising God right along side you!!! Three less orphans in the world... thank you, Jesus!!
