Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Trip Prayer Requests

Thanks to all of you who have been and will be praying for us!!! Here are some specific prayer requests for our team:

-Protection from Satan and his schemes. With this big of a group getting to see and experience God’s heart for the nations (some for the very first time) I can only imagine the traps that the enemy has laid for us. Pray that God would secure our steps and hide us from the plans of evil people. Pray that God gives us wisdom and discretion so that we don’t fall into temptation, danger, or Satan’s traps.

-That God would clothe our Spirit’s with compassion and Christ-likeness so that we can be a comfort to those in suffering. That we would serve out of love and humility. That Christ-likeness would shine through us.

-That we would allow God to dictate our trip, work out the details, and structure our days and activities.

-That we would be willing to step out of our comfort zones and put ourselves into situations in which the Holy Spirit must mightily work through us…..and that God would set up opportunities for this to happen.

-For the construction team. Pray that they have cohesiveness, energy, clarity, focus, and drive. Pray that they adapt well through interruptions or unexpected happenings. Pray for strength and wisdom for Chris as he leads the construction projects and his team.

-Pray also for Jake's leadership. That God would give him wisdom and guidance as he makes big decisions and coordinates each of our dynamic roles.

-That God would be revealed in ways that we have never experienced before.

-That through our trip God would open up hearts to the idea of adoption, child sponsorship and orphan care.

-That God would make this trip personal for each one of us. That we would each come away from this trip knowing the purpose that God had us to go.

-For our safety. That God would shield us from accidents, violence, disease and sickness. That he would keep us safe during our travel in planes, cars, and on foot.

-That our luggage arrives with us. :) We have so many important things in our luggage…..from numerous construction tools, to craft materials we will be using for the bible studies, to all the donations that everyone worked so hard to make and gather, to materials for the pastoral and sewing seminars, not to mention our personal belongings.

We will be home on the 11th.......thanks for lifting us up!!!!!

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