Monday, July 25, 2011

Photos By Mom

It’s been awhile since I’ve gotten my kiddos photos taken professionally….since last October! I usually like to have their individual snaps taken along with our family photo so we can get it all done in one day. I just started looking into some ‘friends of friends’ who do photography to see if I could schedule something for the fall, but they are booked up to December already! Good for them! Their businesses are taking off and I love keeping up with their blogs and seeing their work. But bummer….their full schedules put me in a bind since I don’t want to pay an arm and a leg for some pics……so…….I decided that this round would be done in mommy fashion! I don’t know how to take photos. I don’t have the skills to edit photos. I don’t have an eye for which poses look good and which ones don’t. But I can zoom in, click a button and get my kids to laugh. So, might as well see what happens! This weekend Jayla and I had some girl time all by ourselves, so it was the perfect time for a photo shoot. Here we go….

My first favorite one I cut off her foot!

Bummer! That one would have been so sweet if she had a full foot!
And here we have the half smile….

And we couldn’t quite figure out how exactly to position our hands without smushing our face all around…

Seriously, mom, can we be done with this pose yet?

We then tried to do a 3 year old pose but we couldn’t quite get that last finger in place!

Maybe if we take the hair flower out things will go better for us?

That’s more like it! And of course, there’s that tongue smile again……she’s done that since she was a baby!

Ok Jayla, I think I like your hair better with the flower in. What do you think?

Gotta love the personality! Eventually the goofiness worked in our favor and in between her letting it all out, she giggled in a perfect pose and……….

I caught it! The one good shot I was hoping to get! :) Yay! That’s a framer for the hallway for sure!!!!! But of course I wasn’t ready to stop there just yet. I had one more spot I wanted to try. C’mon Jayla onto the flowers!

Apparently the scratchy flowers. And just like that baby girl had lost her enthusiasm. Hmmm……ok, just one smile and we’ll be done….

And there it was….too bad the wind was a little crazy in this spot! This picture was also a little dark on her face. I can work my way around Picasa to do a few amateur edits with photos, but I am kind of bored with Picasa. My mom told me about Photoscape which is pretty similar to Picasa but has some filters. So, I downloaded it and tried out an edit to soften and brighten that last pic and…..

Not too shabby! And Jayla busted out of the flowers in a flash….

And now, post-mommy photo shoot, I would say we are no worse for the wear! Look out JJ and Justice – you’re next!


  1. adorable jayla! great job, mom!

  2. Ahhh...such cute pictures but you have an adorable little subject too!

  3. I might have to schedule an appointment with you to get Jerzey's 3 year pictures taken!!!!!

    They look AMAZING Janel....GREAT JOB!

  4. I LOVE these...they turned out great! When in doubt I always crop the photo way in....that first one with her foot cut off you could easily make into a head and shoulders shot, too. Way to go!

  5. Oh, I love every one of them! You should print those goofy ones in a strip just like you have them on here. Those all show her bubbly, adorable personality! Good work for a rookie :)

  6. She's SO cute...cute pics! I use picnik (free) to edit pics :)

  7. Lovely and cute kid with some nice photography.
    Kids Worksheets
