Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Perfect Fools

Dear Lord,

Keep us safe from the evil of gossiping mouths. Where there has been ill spoken of us, touch the lips of those who speak it with Your refining fire. Let the responsibility of those involved be revealed. Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion who seek to destroy our life; let them be driven backward and brought to dishonor who wish us evil (Psalm 40:14). For You have said whoever believes in You will not be put to shame (Romans 10:11). Preserve our lives from the enemy, hide us from the secret counsel of the wicked. Pull us out of any net which has been laid for us (Psalm 31:4). Lead us, guide us, and be our mighty fortress and hiding place. Lord, we look like perfect fools to those who don’t understand the tasks You have assigned to us as a couple and as a family. Their gossip, rumors, and judgemental words threaten to consume and overtake me. It’s becoming appealing to close myself off from relationships with people. Don’t let me become hard-hearted, Lord. Let me dish out grace, mercy and forgiveness, even to those who would enjoy seeing us fall. May we trust in You, and not be afraid of what man can do to us (Psalm 56:11).



  1. Janel, I needed to read this and I need to keep this in my mind! A beautiful and truthful prayer!

  2. Just reading this now, but it seems as though you need encouragement. I love that you just let it all out there. He's the perfect one to run to. He knows our thoughts anyway so might as well.
