Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Getaway At the Lake

To help the program save on hotel costs for our July tournament travels a family in the program offered us, and all the high school boys traveling with us, their lake house for a few days. Their house sits near where our tournament is at in Kansas City so it worked out perfectly! Jake, JJ, Justice and the players traveled to the lake from the St. Louis tournament yesterday, and Jayla and I headed down last night. Oh my, this is going to be soooooooo FUN!

We pulled in and of course JJ was already hoopin’ it up!

The first order of business was to get this big crew fed!

While everyone ate I took a look around. Now this is going to be wild.......

The view....

Within about 5 minutes Jayla and her friend Chloe were off doing girl things….like hiding out from the boys in the secret clubhouse!

After dinner it was time to make a few rounds on the tubes before the sun went down. Of course Justice was the first one who lined up for the ride, and this would be his first ever ride out on the lake! He was confident that he was NOT scared of the water, and he would be FINE since he had his life jacket. He took one look at me with the “Please mommy, can I?” eyes and I folded. Okay. Just hang on tight but don’t forget to let go if the tube flips!

Getting ready…….

JJ and I stayed on the boat. :)

And, here we go!!!!!!!!!!!

He's LOVING it!!!!!!!!

Whooooooooo hooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

And I took this one right before they flipped! :)

Justice did great after the flip and just climbed right back on!

Later on Daddy took a dip!

The dock.

Tough guys.

Our gracious hosts - Brian & Nikki.

Have I mentioned Peprah is back?!?!?!?!!? He just got in from Ghana a few days ago!!!!!!!

Justice LOVES to be thrown in!

Ohhhhhh the lake. LOVE IT! I love even more that all these kids get to experience this! I am SO blown away by the hospitality of Brian & Nikki. They are great hosts and are making this so fun and relaxing for all of us… much so that our time here feels like a direct blessing from God Himself!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're getting to hang out by the lake and water ski!!! :D It is good for the soul.
