Monday, May 2, 2011

The Boy Named Christian - UPDATE!

You may remember me writing about a little boy named Christian who stole my heart away on our recent Ghana trip. :) You can read his story by clicking here. I have a little update….nothing adoption related to share YET, but hopefully soon. This is an update of a different sort….it’s very uplifting!

While we were in Ghana Jake met a man named Ken. Ken found Jake in the village one day and told him that he wasn’t sure where God was leading him in his life, but he thought maybe Jake could help him figure it out. :) Jake set up a meeting with him at our hotel. To start off Jake asked Ken what he thought his gifts and talents were. Ken said, “I love music. That is my passion. In fact, I was the leader of the band at church on Sunday.” Jake thought for a moment and then told Ken that he could use his musical talent to start impacting the kids in the village. Jake’s advice….start a music school. Give lessons on how to play instruments!

Meanwhile, on a different occasion when Jake was talking with Christian he had asked Christian what he wanted to be when he grew up. Christian’s answer to Jake was either a pilot (which is what he had also told me in the schoolyard) or a musician! Of course because of Christian’s visual impairment, becoming a musician is a much better goal for him! Eventually Jake put two and two together and ended up emailing Ken and telling him to go find Christian….Christian could be Ken’s first ‘client’ and our foundation would pay for Christian’s lessons. Ken did so immediately, and below I have the recent update that Ken emailed Jake (as hard as it was, I decided not to correct his grammar so you could get the full effect of his email). Ken attends school somewhere outside of Asikuma, but he gives the music lessons when he is in the village for holidays and visits. He will also be back in Asikuma all summer. Here is his update:

Hi Mr. Jake how is you and your family doing?

Glory be to God almighty for all the wonderful things he is doing in our lives. We are actually doing equally fine here and I think it is the opportunity to wish you and your family the season's greetings. May God continue to be your strength and guide.

As I told you in the previous mail,we are still at home for Easter vacations and it will be ending on the 11 April. It is somehow tough for me now. We are still expecting the result of the previous exam, that we are to attach to the new registration form; yet it isn't in till now. We pray that God work some miracle again. I managed to see Albert and he is a boy in the same church with me. He and Christian are doing pretty well.

Despite my being very busy preparing for the exams, I judged it better to start something with the kids. Surprisingly,I found some of them to be so dexterous that I pour out tears of joy whenever we start playing some tunes! It makes me remember when I also was a kid and very thirsty to do music without any single opportinuity!

What I did was to invite all the kids from the town to come for a screening. And when I saw their talents, potentials and interests it was very amazing! I counted in total 21 kids that were ready to join the band and learn. Later,when I tried talking to the parents, some say they are willing and wish their wards could, but they can't. Either because they can't be paying or want the kids rather to be helping with farming. Now, I'am left with 10 regular kids and teens to train. And they are very good. I felt and still feeling a great pain to see all those other lucrative talents die!

I have officially started with Christian on the 17 April and Albert too has join us. They live near each other. God is truly wonderful. He(Christian) is trying his best! Think Albert too would do good.

Our problem now is the distance between us. I'am praying for God to help me with a bike so that I can be reaching the kids on time. The Asikuma church has allowed us to be using their instruments for now and I think we should just help them with the electricity bill (they have not asked for this, but this is Africa, you know.)

As for me myself, I will not ask the kids to pay me. I will take it upon myself to help them develop the talents in them and play to the glory of God. I only pray, hope and believe that through that, my God will find a way to help me with the numerous needs I have.

The phone I often use to write to you when I'am outside school, is now faulty and can't access the web anymore. It dropped into water on my way coming from practice with the kids last time. (It rained heavily here!)

Now I have to be putting my sim card into my mum's phone and I think I'am disturbing her. Now,I don't know what to do. Please if you wouldn't mind, you can still be writing the E-mails and I will see what God will do.

Believe NOTHING is gonna STOP me from the job and even if back to school some week-ends I would be trying to come and see them until the exams are completely over. Please what do you think about opening a web site so that some people out there too can see what we are up to. Something like ''

Please write soon and till we meet again, I leave you in the hands of Lord Jesus.

Lots of regards. Ken.

HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?!?! I loved seeing Ken's heart through his words, and it is clear that he must rely on God for so many things to see this through. Ken had also mentioned Albert. Albert was the young man that Jake had picked out as a leader in Asikuma. Albert's family actually shares the same housing unit with Christian and his grandma! To read Albert's story, click here.

And here are some pictures Ken sent with his email update…unfortunately the first couple came through really small, but it is still so good to see Christian again!

Wearing the t-shirt Jake gave him! :) It has a gym rat on it!

Oh, Christian, I am confident that God has a wonderful plan for you and your future….I can’t wait to see it unfold!