Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Up to Minnesota & Some Firsts for Justice

Jake had a weekend break from tournaments last weekend so we took advantage and snuck away to visit Grandpa & Grandma Sullivan up in Minnesota! This also became a weekend of 'firsts' for Justice so I have to document via some pictures!

Our first night there Uncle Nick stopped by to see us. Uncle Nick just happens to be a cop, and my little mind didn’t even think to prepare him for Justice’s fascination with all things loud, weapon-y, fighting related, uniform related, good-guy vs. bad-guy stuff, etc. Let’s just say Uncle Nick figured it out first-hand. I wasn’t outside at the time Uncle Nick pulled up, but apparently Justice bombarded him with questions about every single weapon on his belt buckle, who rides in his cop car, if he gets to fight people, chasing scenarios, etc. Later on as Uncle Nick got ready to leave I caught some good pictures:

Sullivan boys

Explaining what pepper spray does. :)

Demonstrating the taser - I think that's what that is!

And yes, Sam got to come with us this weekend too! We've been getting to have him with us often, which has been SO GREAT!

Demonstrating the lights and siren! Meanwhile, Grandma Jane had her work cut out for her as she loved on her little girlies (Jayla & cousin Dakota) who did not leave her side…

I got to snuggle with my cutie nephew, Chase….really, he is oh-so-squeezable….

And for the first time we got to watch Justice interact with a baby! Since Justice has been with us he hasn’t been around a baby at all, so it was fun to see how he played with Chase….he loved it when Chase would smile at him.

I loved watching Jayla interact with him too. She liked to touch his face and give him kisses!

And as Jayla watched Auntie Crystal, she took notes on mothering skills. :)

Of course it would not be a trip to Minnesota without some basketball in the driveway against Uncle Nick...

And most certainly it is NOT a trip up to Minnesota without a day spent at the Mall of America!

(click to enlarge)

This again was another first for Justice! He had never been to an amusement park! He did work up the courage to go on one roller coaster, and loved it. His favorite, however? The bumper cars!

And the last 'first' of the weekend for Justice....LEGO LAND!!!!!!!!!!

You can imagine how much he loved this store! Wondering what's in the sack? A ninja castle! It will be the biggest lego construct he has attempted yet!

Somehow Grandpa Bill escaped my pictures from the weekend! He was there with us too - strolling Jayla around the stores so mommy and Grandma could shop, and disappearing into sports stores with the kids to make sure ‘they bought everything they needed’. :)

Thanks Grandpa & Grandma for a great weekend! (Cousins!)

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