Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Families Needed for Russia Adoption Program

Before we switched our adoption from Ethiopia to Ghana we had signed on with a national agency called Christian World Adoption (http://www.cwa.org/). I still receive their updates and newletters in my inbox. Recently I was sent an email from one of their case workers expressing a high need for families to adopt from Russia. Just wanted to pass the info along in case anyone is interested in finding out more:

Dear Families,
My name is Anya Rutherford and I am Christian World Adoption's Russia Case
Manager. I am sending this email to all of you in an effort to find more
families for our Russia program. If you are not interested, please just

Over the years we have seen many changes in international adoption, it seems to
come and go in cycles. Right now, the timing is right for an adoption from
Russia. The Russia program is working well and we are delighted to say that we
are accepting Russia applications and can accept as many families as possible
at this time.

We have been working in Russia since 1992 and have placed over a thousand of
children from Russia. I’m Russian myself and have a heart for Russian orphans
and am very happy when each one of them comes home. I have traveled to many of
the Russian orphanages and I know there are many children there who need loving
families of their own.

The last few years have seen a lot of changes for the Russia program. Russia
became more strict about paperwork, and adoptive parents' medical background and
lengthened the adoption process. However, there are still children in need of
families. We continue to have successful adoptions and a lot of children have
come home to families this year already.

CWA is accredited in Russia and currently working in 3 regions. We are in the
process of opening another region as well and very excited about this
opportunity. We have been receiving referrals steadily from all these 3 regions
and we have great relationship with their officials.

If you would like to consider a Russian adoption, have friends or family members
who are considering international adoption, or especially if you have a home
study ready, please email me at anyar@cwa.org or call me at 828 693 7007 ext
304 and I will be happy to talk to you about the details of the process.

There are Caucasian, Asian and Eurasian children available in Russia. Boys are
available from the age of 10 - 11 months. Girls are available from approximately
the same age however the waiting time for infant girls is much longer.
Therefore, we can accept applications for preschool age girls and older or
families who are open to either gender of any age. We can accept applications
for boys of any ages. Sibling groups of either gender are also available. Older
child adoptions can be completed in a shorter period of time because the waiting
time (if any) for older children is much shorter in a lot of regions. Families
can usually be matched with older children soon after documents are submitted.

Please prayerfully consider this and if you are interested, email me at
anyar@cwa.org . We would love to have more families registered for Russia.

Thank you for your time and God Bless!
Anya Rutherford
Christian World Adoption

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