Friday, January 21, 2011

A Year of Memories

February 2010

March 2010

April 2010

May 2010

July 2010

August 2010

September 2010

October 2010

November 2010

December 2010

January 2011

Dear Lord~

I pray that you would take the faith You have planted in Sam and multiply it. May the truth of Your Word be firmly established in his heart so that his faith will grow daily and navigate his life. Help him to trust You at all times as he looks to You for truth, guidance, and transformation into Your likeness. I know that trusting in You is a choice we make. Enable him to make that choice. I pray that he will look to You for everything, knowing that he is never without hope. I pray he will have faith strong enough to lift him above his circumstances and limitations and instill in him the confidence of knowing that everything will work together for good (Romans 8:28).

As he walks in faith, may he have Your heart of love that overflows to others, a heart that is willing to give of himself and his possessions so that others can experience Your light through him. May he see that giving out of love is actually giving back to You in faith and that he will never lose anything by doing so. I pray that he will share his faith to those around him, not only in words, but in actions. May the light inside him shine so brightly to everyone around that they can’t help but notice his faith, and give praise to God.


(prayer adapted from Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian)


  1. Agree & Amen. Oh how I pray that others can experience a year like Sam did in your home!

  2. I love these pictures! And the truth packed in that prayer. Have you put these photos together in an album for Sam? If not, I'm sure he would LOVE something like that. That's something we were encouraged to do in our foster parenting put together a 'life book' for kids who are in our home. It helps them to sort of solidify their time with us, and gives them something tangible to show for their time in our home...kind of a reminder that it wasn't just a 'break' from their real life, but that that time in your family was, in fact, a legitimate time of his life. Make sense? you, friend, and am still praying for all you guys.

  3. Christy and Mom thanks for the kind notes! Christy- I stayed home last weekend and printed off all the pictures I had of Sam and the time we had together and made him a photo book. I tried to include verses that we had talked about so they would strike a memory with him when he saw them on the pages. He LOVED the book. I think he looked at it at least 10 different times right after he got it. It was a perfect gift for him and brought back a lot of memories!

  4. hi Janel, I am Jen Diers sister and i have been following your blog for awhile now.. I find great inspriration through your words and wanted you to know that I will pray for Sam and your family. he is blessed to have you and your family in his life..i cant imagine how bitter bitter sweet letting him go was..thank you for sharing the prayer.

  5. My heart is aching with you...jen
